This Week I Found 18 Hilarious, Stupid Pictures On The Internet So I'm Sharing Them With You

Hi folks! Another week on the internet and as usual we've seen the good, the bad, and the...multi-billion dollar Las Vegas sphere. In amongst the chaos, there are — as always — pictures, jokes, memes, and random web ephemera that serve as reminders that the internet is ultimately a collection of people and that a lot of them are hilarious weirdos.

As I putter about my little life trying to eat healthier, get better at tennis, and stop my geriatric millennial bones from disintegrating, I've collected some of the more delightful detours from my online travels for y'all. I hope you enjoy!

And my weekly disclaimer: One of the quirks of the modern internet is how things appear, disappear, then reappear at random times, so the list below isn't all strictly new, but it was all new to me.

1. Been there!!

Twitter: @adoreanise

2.I dare not try this.

sometimes i text my wife the motivational quotes from her tampons when she's on her period and i'm trying to cheer her up
u/ickydonkeytoothbrush / Via

3. All fixed.

Twitter: @NickMillerMusic

4. I had no idea this existed until I saw the tweet, but safe to say...hard agree.

Twitter: @GKuhlenschmidt

5. I see what you've done there.

Twitter: @zachsilberberg

6.I don't miss having roommates.

frisbee in the dishwasher
u/black_mamba006 / Via

7.Jaws 3-D was really something.

badly done shark CGI
Universal Pictures / Via

8. *genuflects*

Twitter: @DontShowYourCat

9.There's always some wild stuff happening in Australia.

stepping out for a few minutes, snake at home
u/tppiel / Via

10. Get in line, amigo.

Twitter: @jeremyelderr

11.So dumb, so good.

i'm sofa king happy
u/michaeldunworthsydne / Via

12. My dad 100%.

Twitter: @NoContextHumans

13. Honestly...speechless.

Twitter: @emily_murnane

14.Work calendars are perilous.

person learns their work calendar isn't private when someone asks if they can have a meeting during a time they have blocked off labeled, get a chicken
@madebymagnolia / Via Twitter: @madebymagnolia

15....hell yeah

fish with sunglasses
u/Uaquamarine / Via

16.Aww man, hey little tater.

this dog looks exactly like what renaissance era painters thought dogs looked like

17. Mysterious and yet oddly inspirational.

Twitter: @djaonielsen

18. And's spooky season, people!

Twitter: @shrimp_delight

See anything on the internet recently that made you laugh for no damn reason? Let me know! 👇