45 Thanksgiving Memes That Will Get You So Excited for Turkey Day

Photo credit: Tony Rivetti - Getty Images
Photo credit: Tony Rivetti - Getty Images

There's probably no other holiday more sentimental than Thanksgiving. Christmas is cool, but let's be honest: it’s all just about the gifts. On the other hand, Thanksgiving is food and family. It's finally a chance to spend time with people that you might not see everyday. But with all those personalities in one room, things can go sour quick. All your older family members asking about who you're dating, arguing about whose potato salad is better or who forgot to call who on their birthday, can make the day hilariously stressful. Despite that, at the end of the day, this holiday is all about good vibes. Check out these hilarious Thanksgiving memes as you patiently wait for the day when you can stuff your face four times over. There's no doubt you'll be able to relate to some of these.

1. When the first leaf falls.

The best holiday of the year.

2. When you're not sure how you really feel.

Something to think about...

3. When people try to skip over your favorite holiday.

I didn't want to be rude but...

4. When you and grandma are stuck at the kids table.

And you get leftovers to bring home.

5. When you get to stuck on dish duty.

At least you got to eat first.

6. When you are the 88%.

There is always room for pie

7. When you are the *that* family member.

Proceed with caution

8. When the feast is ready.

I'm comin' in hot

9. When the whole family gets together.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

10. After looking at Instagram on Thanksgiving.

I promise you.

11. When you plate dessert.

The only correct way.

12. When you are describing the perfect turkey.

Seriously, it's gross.

13. When the whole family gets together.

It's not funny guys.

14. When your family is hosting Thanksgiving.

Do I have to?

15. When you fill up on snacks...

I'm sorry I have no discipline.

16. When you show up without a date.

I'm just trying to eat in peace.

17. When your favorite cousin arrives.

We all have one.

18. There is always room for more.

It's not Thanksgiving without it.

19. Pumpkins and Turkeys Can't Catch a Break During the Holidays.

It's everyone for themselves

20. When you are feeling grateful.

It is something to celebrate.

21. When the food is too good.

We have all been there.

22. When the turkey goes missing.

I think I know who did it.

23. When the grandparents show up early.

I'm still in my pajamas.

24. When you love the holidays.

It's my favorite time of year.

25. Something is up.

Guys I think my invitation got lost.

26. When it's the day after the Thanksgiving.

Don't mind me I'll just be here.

27. When you like Christmas more.

It's the best time of year.

28. When you have pie on your mind.

Who's ready to feast?

29. When you are prepared like Joey.

It's been prepping for this all year.

30. When people question the amount of food you've consumed.

Mind your business.

31. When you have a game plan.

Your inner voice.

32. This is never okay.

Not okay.

33. Every dog on Thanksgiving.

All of those scrap pieces.

34. When you know what you're eating for a whole week after Thanksgiving.

Everyone knows Thanksgiving dinner tastes even better the next day.

35. When the house returns to order.

Back to peace and quiet.

36. When you sense suspicious activity.

Something doesn't seem right.

37. We all have that one family member.

Every year...

38. When the holidays aren't your favorite.

At least you are not a Turkey...

39. When you are ready for a feast.

But really, who's keeping track?

40. The meme for our inner child.

Why is it the most frustrating thing?

41. When you are ready for your post Thanksgiving nap.

We all know that feeling.

42. When your dog comes sniffing.

It's always the turkey.

43. When you are a pie lover.

There is always room for pie.

44. For all of the cat lovers.

They are always looking out.

45. An actual photo of me on Thanksgiving.

We have all been here.

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