20 Sunscreens for Runners That Are Actually Sweat-Resistant

Reach for one (or all) of these sunscreens before your next outdoor run.

Sunscreen is as essential as a good pair of sneakers for any and every run, no matter the season or weather. That said, it’s particularly crucial during the summer, when the sun’s strong UVB rays are gaining strength and increasing your risk of sunburn. “You need to apply sunscreen before your run, but you also need to be diligent about reapplication while you’re outdoors,” says Jeanine B. Downie, MD, Director of Image Dermatology in Montclair, NJ, an avid runner herself. While standard protection protocol calls for reapplication every two hours, Downie suggests runners reapply every hour. (So yes, you should bring sunscreen with you on long runs.) And if greasy skin or stinging eyes cause you to skip it, these pro tips can help: "Look for oil-free, water-resistant, or fragrance-free formulas to prevent stinging, and apply it one hour before heading outside to allow it to fully absorb, recommends Dendy Engelman, M.D., a dermatologic surgeon at Medical Dermatology & Cosmetic Surgery Centers in New York City. For exercise, she likes powdered sunscreens, which tend to adhere to skin better and can absorb sweat. Both Downie and Engelman suggest SPF 30 or higher, so grab one (or all) of these sunscreens to safeguard your skin from head to toe when you're pounding the pavement.

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