19 Protection Herbs To Keep in Your Home, According to an Herbalist

Eucalyptus herb in a bedroom for protection

Believe it or not, herbs are basil-ically the spice of life! They can not only transform how your food tastes, but they can also transform you from the inside out. From helping you naturally detox to healing your wounds to keeping you calm and even protecting you from negative energy—it’s like there’s nothing they can’t do. It’s no wonder many think they have magical properties.

To learn more about their spiritual significance and how they can be used in everyday life, we reached out to Joseph Octaviani, the CEO and Chief Herbalist of Life the Plant Way. Octaviani’s company has been taking over social media, thanks to his viral videos where he shares his knowledge of herbs in fun and inspiring ways.

“There’s no denying that 2023 was a stressful year for many, and it doesn’t seem like all the problems in the world are going to end tomorrow, which is why it’s important to learn how to lean on the herbal kingdom when it comes to supporting and managing your stress, health and the energy surrounding you in the new year,” Octaviani tells Parade.

Find out what sage advice he’s dishing out, below! After you see what he has to say, you’ll likely want to collect all 19 herbs for protection he mentions.

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19 Best Protection Herbs To Keep in Your Home and How To Use Them

1. Bay Leaves

With January officially here, it’s nice knowing there are herbs, like bay leaves, that are used to welcome new beginnings. But how do you go about using them to clean the slate and create a fresh start for yourself? It’s actually easier than you may think.

“Just write out your intentions (or wishes) on bay leaves and burn them in a fireproof dish,” Octaviani explains. “This is a common practice for manifesting whatever it is your heart desires.”

2. Peppermint

“This is an herb whose fragrant essential oils assist with focus and also help bring in a fresh new energy around you,” Octaviani tells Parade. “It’s also great to drink as a tea to boost your digestion, or you can add the tea to your bath—post straining and cooling, of course.”

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3. Lavender

Who couldn’t use a dose of calmness in their life? Octaviani says the secret herb that can help you achieve this is lavender.

“Its sweet aroma is believed to dispel negative energy and clear a person’s racing mind, especially when their thoughts are preventing them from sleeping,” he reveals. “Placing dried lavender in sachets under your pillows, or hanging them around the house, will calm whatever anxiety you have. You can also rub the essential oil on your wrists if you want to take that calming energy with you wherever you go.”

4. Eucalyptus

If you get sinus infections easily, Octaviani advises you to keep this herb in your home.

“The winter time is when everybody deals with sinus issues. Eucalyptus and its essential oils help break up any stuck mucus in your airways, which allows you to get a breath of fresh air,” he says.

To utilize this herb, he suggests simply placing five drops of the essential oil into a diffuser, or placing one single drop onto your finger and rubbing it on and around your nostrils.

5. Mugwort

If you’re searching for a protection herb, don’t forget about mugwort. “Just make a small sachet of it to carry with you and it will provide protection from those who may not have the best intentions towards you,” Octaviani explains.

6. Rosemary

Octaviani says rosemary is an excellent herb because it protects your mind and your peace.

“Simply keeping rosemary in your home will bring a warm energy to your surroundings,” he reveals. “It’s well known around the world that rosemary has antioxidant properties when it comes to brain and nervous system health, so turning it into tea, or sprinkling it onto your food, is a great way to perverse your brain function well into your elder years.”

7. Dandelion Root

This herb is often mistaken as an obnoxious weed growing in your yard, but in reality, Octaviani says it’s magical when it comes to liver health because it has protective properties you probably didn’t know about.

In fact, he tells Parade that making dandelion root tea is a great substitute for coffee and can help regulate your digestion. “It’s good to drink one cup a day with some raw honey,” he suggests.

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8. Oatstraw

If you’ve never heard of oatstraw, it’s a must-have because of its healing properties directed at your nervous system.

“Oatstraw is a common herb that is loaded with tons of nutrients, especially calcium, which feeds the nervous system making it useful for people who easily get overwhelmed or nervous,” Octaviani explains. “My favorite thing about oatstraw is that it’s gentle enough for children, elders and even pregnant women to use. You can simply make it into a cup of tea by steeping a teaspoon of it in freshly boiled water for at least ten minutes, then strain it and enjoy!”

9. Lemon Balm

According to Octaviani, this is another herb that protects your energy and your stress levels. “It has long been used for its protective properties of the nervous system and heart,” he says. “It’s good to use in your tea and is a great herb to grow on your window sill because its strong, lemony scent can bring a sense of peace to your mind.”

10. Oregano

“Besides being a popular flavor option, this herb is nature’s antibiotic,” Octaviani tells Parade. “If you’re dealing with bacterial, fungal or parasitic overgrowths, this is the only herb you need when combating them naturally.”

To do that, he suggests making tea or oregano oil by combining olive oil (or 80-proof alcohol) and oregano. Octaviani says the process of making it is easy, but takes a little bit of patience.

“You have to take 2oz for every 8oz of liquid you use," he says. "Then, place both ingredients in a glass mason jar, stir it up and close the lid. After that, you need to place it in your cabinet for a minimum of two weeks. Once that time has passed, strain it and put it back into the same mason jar after cleaning it out. You can then proceed to take ½ teaspoon daily of the olive oil mixture, or ¼ teaspoon of the alcohol-based mixture. This is great for preventive measures. If you are sick, however, bump that dosage up to one teaspoon of olive oil and ½ teaspoon of the alcohol base until your symptoms subside.”

11. Mullein Leaf and Flower

Are you looking to detox? Octaviani says this is the herb for you! “It is one of the best herbs when it comes to protecting and detoxing the lungs of any excess mucus because its soft and fuzzy exterior actually gently brushes up against your airways, which promotes coughing and makes it a powerhouse for the respiratory system,” he proclaims. “You can make it into a tea, or use it in the tincture form.”

12. Red Raspberry Leaf

One of the reasons people like red raspberry leaves so much is because it has tons of protective elements. In fact, Octaviani says it’s nature’s natural remedy to fight UTIs, as well as helps bring strength to your kidneys and bladder.

“This is a must-have in every home, especially when it comes to women,” he specifies. “It is a uterine and urinary tract tonic that is high in iron, making it powerful for women during their time of the month. It is also considered a nutritive herb, so it’s like nature’s multivitamin as well. The best part is, it’s safe enough to have daily. You just have to take one teaspoon of it and steep it in freshly boiled water for 10-15 minutes. Then you can enjoy it up to two times a day if you want.”

13. Nettle Leaf

Calling everyone with allergies, this herb will put you at ease. “This is sure to kick your seasonal allergies to the curb thanks to its natural antihistamine properties,” explains Octaviani. “Its nutrient-dense leaves have a cooling effect in and on the body, so whenever you are dealing with inflammation internally, it’s best to make it into a tea. However, if your skin is having a flare-up and is irritated from something (like a bug bite) you can use it as a poultice.”

If you’re out on a hike and get a bad bug bite, he says you can prepare a poultice by mashing the herb up in your mouth and then directly placing it onto the infected area.

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14. Fennel

“This herb can ease your digestive system and eliminate excessive gas that leads you to get a bloated tummy,” Octaviani states. “It can be used as a spice, but I find the medicinal properties really come out when steeped as a tea and drank 15-20 minutes before or after you eat a meal.”

15. Cayenne Pepper

“This is the king of all herbs when it comes to detoxing and healing any matter with the circulatory system,” Octaviani discloses. “It’s great at boosting circulation, increasing your metabolism (which helps you burn fat), and protects your heart from stress and environmental toxins.”

If you’re interested in trying it out, one of his favorite ways to drink it is a lemon-honey wellness shot. “You’ll need one tablespoon of honey, half a lemon (or lime), ¼ teaspoon of cayenne pepper and ¼ cup of water. Then mix them all together and take it in the morning to get your heart and digestion ready for the day,” he suggests.

16. Cedar

You’ve probably smelled cedar before, but had no idea of its benefits. “Burning cedar bundles (or chips) can clear out negative energy and bring in peace. If you place it in the corners of your room or near entrances as well, it can also create a protective barrier for your home,” Octaviani tells Parade.

17. Aloe Vera

According to Octaviani, this herb is a no-brainer to have in any home for a multitude of reasons. One of those reasons is that it has healing properties.

“When the inner gel of aloe vera is applied to injured skin, like a cut, it promotes the healing process of the wound,” Octaviani explains. Another reason it’s so powerful is because it helps with detoxing. “Its outer green skin is great for detoxing the gut,” Octaviani says. “From constipation to ulcers, its bitter properties help move your digestion and the gel helps heal the wound internally, just like it does externally.”

Another reason why Octaviani loves aloe vera is because it can purify the air both inside and outside your home. “It can boost the oxygen in your home if you place it in a room, and if you plant it outside, its thorny exterior will purify the air by warding off any negative energy from entering your house,” he points out.

18. Cinnamon

Did you know that cinnamon is more than just a culinary spice? In many spiritual communities, it is known for attracting abundance, which is why Octaviani says it’s essential to have it in your home. Instead of eating it, though, you simply blow it into your doorway while reciting a ritual and then you will invite good vibes into your home.

19. Castor Oil

“You can use castor oil to break up unwanted build-ups that are deep in your skin,” Octaviani reveals. “It will help combat things, like enlarged lymph nodes, acne and even unflattering scar tissue. It is also very easy to apply. You can do so by placing a small amount in your palm and massaging the affected area with it.”

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