19 People Who've Already Failed At Their New Year's Resolutions

Creating New Year's resolutions is a way for people to reset their goals and start over on a new page. Breaking habits and building new routines can be a struggle for many. It's very normal for people to give up on their resolutions. It's happened to the best of us.

Kevin McCallister says Happy New Year
Kevin McCallister says Happy New Year

20th Century Studios

I've compiled a few Reddit posts from people who have already broken their 2023 New Year's resolutions.

Reddit user u/Jimmymott asked, "Let’s have it then. How have you (already) failed your New Year’s resolution?" The responses assured me that I was not the only one who quickly gave up.

1."Wasn't supposed to eat meat, but I woke up hungover. I looked at those Linda McCartney sausages with distain and ordered in. I am so very weak."

A woman is looking tired while eating
A woman is looking tired while eating

MTV / Via giphy.com


2."I decided I was going to get outside every day for either a walk or a run. Woke up this morning with a viral infection. In bed almost all day!"

A woman is laying in bed
A woman is laying in bed

ITV / Via giphy.com


3."Decided to stop with the sailor mouth...ended up saying a boat load 15 minutes into the year!"

A woman is cursing
A woman is cursing

Netflix / Via giphy.com


4."I literally kept mine so simple. Drink water, take vitamins every morning. Nope. Day 1. Failed."

A guy is saying "it's hard being a person"
A guy is saying "it's hard being a person"

TBS / Via giphy.com


5."I'm too self-conscious to go to the gym, and I'm terrible at seeing exercise as anything other than more effort than it's worth. So, I've promised myself to do one physical exercise a day, and slowly add each month. Have not started yet."

Michelle Obama is saying "exercise is not ew"
Michelle Obama is saying "exercise is not ew"

NBC / Obama / Via giphy.com


6."I made several as I know I’ll lose a few as I go. So far, failed: to get up when my alarm goes off; to not spend longer than three hours a day on Reddit; to go to bed at a reasonable hour."

A guy is saying "it's not being lazy it's called being efficient"
A guy is saying "it's not being lazy it's called being efficient"

ABC / Via giphy.com


7."I was going low buy, use what I have, don't overspend, etc. ... I spent 47 quid on yarn that I 100% do not need (I have my office overflowing with craft supplies that I...um...ADHD at occasionally?), but I did get 40% off, so it was technically worth it."

A woman is asking "you don't think that that's a little extreme"
A woman is asking "you don't think that that's a little extreme"

Freeform / Via giphy.com


Reddit user u/Darkarba asked "What New Year’s resolution did you already break?"

8."To cut back on carbs and sugar, all I’ve eaten all day is potato chips and chocolate."

A person is eating chocolate chip cookies and drinking milk
A person is eating chocolate chip cookies and drinking milk

Nickelodeon / Via giphy.com


9."Going to bed early."

A woman is screaming "go to bed"
A woman is screaming "go to bed"

NBC / Via giphy.com


10."Having a better social life. ;-; I have people texting me, but I’m wasting my time posting on Reddit."

A man is saying "my social schedule is astonishingly open"
A man is saying "my social schedule is astonishingly open"

CBS / Via giphy.com


Reddit user u/Th3_Accountant asked, "24 hours into 2023; which New Year's resolutions did you already fail?"

11."Friends surprised me with an all-you-can-eat dinner, and I already failed — dry January — diet plans — exercise plan — and I'm pretty sure I failed my promise not to eat frozen pizza."

A woman is saying "pizza is always good"
A woman is saying "pizza is always good"

Rosanna Pansino / YouTube / Via giphy.com


12."Quitting smoking and doing my intoxicated annoying social phone calls."

A man is saying "I was a little thing called intoxicated"
A man is saying "I was a little thing called intoxicated"

TBS / Via giphy.com


Reddit user u/Orangecuppa asked, "This is the second day of 2023. Is your New Year's resolution still alive or totally dead?"

13."My resolution is to drink sugar free/0 sugar drinks only for the year. And I just drank a regular Coke, so RIP."

A guy is  saying "Tuesday night decided to get wild, drink some sodas with my buddies"
A guy is saying "Tuesday night decided to get wild, drink some sodas with my buddies"

Comedy Central / Via giphy.com


14."One of my New Year's resolutions is to drink less alcohol. It's only the second day, and I have drank on both days."

A woman is saying "I need a drink"
A woman is saying "I need a drink"

Lifetime / Via giphy.com


Reddit user u/big_rig77 asked, "We are nearly two weeks into 2023 — what was your New Year’s resolution, and how’s it going?"

15."To start dieting.Typing this while eating Nutella straight out the jar."

A guy is saying "I am Nutella, I am Nutella"
A guy is saying "I am Nutella, I am Nutella"

TBS / Via giphy.com


16."Drink more water. Not going well."

A guy is saying "you should drink some water"
A guy is saying "you should drink some water"

NBC / Via giphy.com


17."I want to read more. ... I haven't even picked a book."

A guy is saying "I do not read for pleasure"
A guy is saying "I do not read for pleasure"

NBC / Via giphy.com


Reddit user u/TheTruth221 asked, "How is your New Year's resolution going now that we are halfway through the first month of 2023?"

18."Not great. Resolution was to ride the pushbike to work at least one day a week every week this year. Just got through the first week back at work, and already failed. At least I don't have to worry about it anymore..."

A woman is saying "If it's not your vibe, all good"
A woman is saying "If it's not your vibe, all good"

Peloton / Via giphy.com


19."So far, not great. Been on holidays and go back to work next week. Hard to get into into a routine when it’s all going to change when going back to work. New year, new me starts next Monday, haha."

A guy is saying "I just really don't like working"
A guy is saying "I just really don't like working"

MTV / Via giphy.com


It's not easy to keep resolutions, but there's always next year!