19 Times People Were Passive Aggressive As Hell, And Were Pretty Darn Creative In The Process

1.This person, who made a GIANT sign calling out the person who fed their cat:

"This includes you, Anna"

2.This school, that made a weird, threatening sign to its students:

"Fifth grade teacher temper advisory system"

3.This person, who bought cupcakes for *specific* coworkers:

"For fill shift"

4.This person, who typed up a long note to people about parking spots:

"You are illegally parked"

5.This person, who made it pretty darn clear to their neighbors what they were all about:

"My house, my WiFi, my rules"

6.This person, who made a sign for their roommate and put it in a CLEAR SHEET PROTECTOR:

"Wring out the sponge when you are done using it"

7.And this person, who also left passive aggressive notes to their roommates instead of talking it out:

"Don't leave shit in the sink"

8.This person, who wasn't afraid to call out their coworker for being messy:

"This area is cleaned, decluttered, and has been rid of crumbled papers"

9.This person, who left a passive aggressive sign in the laundry room, and people responded in an equally passive aggressive way:

"Please call 7418 if linen is full"

10.This person, who put up a snarky (albeit hilarious) sign in a parking lot:

"Don't even think of parking here"

11.This teacher, who left a weird and secret message for their students:

"WiFi password: 'Study more'"

12.This person, who tried to be loving by leaving a "<3" on a passive aggressive note:

"Please dump me after every use"

13.This person, who left a sign near dog poop on the street instead of attempting to clean it up:

"Pick up your dog shit"

14.This person, who told everyone to "stop taking my food" instead of confronting them:

"Stop taking my food"

15.This person, who refused to contact their landlord about their building's problems:

"Does anyone know when the elevator will be fixed?"

16.This person, who left up MULTIPLE SIGNS on someone's windshield:

"Please don't park in my space"

17.This store, that really wanted to let its customers know that they weren't allowed the "cash back" option:

"No cash back"

18.This Popeyes, that wasn't afraid to call its customers out for being impatient:

"If you run out of patience, ask for an application"

19.And this person, who taped signs on microwaves to let their coworkers know just how disgusting their food was:

"Close break room door while making food"