19 Seriously Funny Parents Who Have Failed Before No Doubt, But Never, Ever Like This

1. This mom, who tried to get her kid a really thoughtful 30th birthday gift, but didn't think it all the way through:

2. This dad, whose son almost got him in some seriously hot water:

3.This mom, who tried to make her kid a birthday cake, but it didn't turn out quite as she planned:

4.This dad, who didn't catch this tragic unicorn float accident until after their 4-year-old did:

5.This mom, whose autocorrect betrayed her when texting with her kid:

  holly00722 / Via instagram.com

6.This mom, who was so tired she put the Elf on the Shelf up like this:

7.This mom, who was going for a Darth Vader-inspired Father's Day cake, and then realized that the cake message read more like a paternity test result:

8.This mom, who heated up the new iron and forgot to take the plastic off first:

9. This parent, who discovered that their daughter is way too good at price haggling:

10.And this mom, who wasn't looking when her kid asked to "color," and didn't realize until it was too late that they meant using Mom's adult coloring book:

A little girl holding an adult coloring book with the words, "Bitch please"

11.This mom, who mixed up the detangler and sunscreen, and as a result, accidentally sprayed sunscreen all over her kid's hair:

12. This parent, who didn't get quite what they ordered for their son's first birthday:

Ruth Black / Alamy Stock Photo

13.This dad, who didn't have such good luck on the grill:

14. This mom, who didn't realize that she wrote a hysterically embarrassing to-do list item until it was too late:

15. This mom, who didn't mean for her toy packing strategy to be hella creepy:

16. This parent, who didn't realize they shouldn't have taught their kids how to use a heat sealer until it was too late:

17. This mom, who found out the hard way that she was using a ravioli cutter, not an ice cube tray:

18. This mom, who thought her Netflix strategy would work, but:

19.And lastly, this mom, whose "Carplay" read this spam text aloud while her kids were in the car, and that story will live on for a long, long time: