19 People Who Had "One In A Million" Moments When Thrift Store Shopping

1. This copy of The Shining signed by Stephen King himself in 1981:

2. This 1988 Olympic jacket, with badge and all:

3. This KFC vase that exists for all the right reasons:

4. This hilarious "knockoff" Polo Ralph Lauren sweatshirt:

5. This casual exorcism kit:

6. This painting that made its way back to the family:

7. This tiny couch for a tiny hamster:

8. This Pepsi that somehow survived this long:

9. This signed copy of Stephen Hawking's A Brief History of Time:

10. This hidden Forrest Gump movie stub:

11. This giant Yogi Bear head:

12. This shirt that founds its rightful doppelgänger:

13. This disco Kermit doll:

14. This Papa Bear stuffed animal that proves we were right about calling them "Berenstein" all along:

15. These stools shaped like teeth:

16. This high-heeled chair:

17. This suit that had a great story behind it:

18. This shirt that deserves to be worn year-round:

19. And finally, this cat that isn't for sale but was still a good thrift find regardless:

H/T: r/ThriftStoreHauls and r/MildlyInteresting.