These 19 Seemingly Normal Text Convos With Men Took A Major Detour Into Total Creep Territory, And I Still Have The Whiplash To Prove It

1.This guy who definitely could have left out that last line:

person texts i'm glad your fiancee died

2.This guy who took the "I'll confuse her, that'll show her" route:

guy asks a woman on a date and when she says she's in a relationship he says to stop texting him he doesn't want to date her and not to ask him out again

3.This 30-year-old man whose only comeback to a 23-year-old woman rejecting him was "you watch too much TV":

man insulting a woman after she rejects him

4.This guy who only had one thing on his mind:

he asks if she's ever done anal

5.This guy who was down bad...for feet pics:

guy asking for feet pics

6.This guy who really tried to put his own "needs" before those of a grieving mother:

"fuck you, fuck your dead baby. you don't deserve me i am too nice and i have money"

7.This guy who's only nice to single women apparently:

text telling her to shut the fuck up and calling her a hoe after she says she was a boyfriend

8.This guy who didn't know that girls were capable of being decent human beings:

girl asks him to explain why he would think she would want to fuck him and he responds, you were nice to me all day, you sat with me at lunch, you said you liked my taste in music

9.This guy who went from "you're gorgeous" to "you're a stupid bitch" real fast:

man writes an entire paragraph to insult a woman

10.This guy who probably should have reined it in a bit:

man keeps sending messages and wishing the girl's partner to be dead

11.This guy who definitely overestimated how much people care about cars:

girl rejects a guy who wants to send her a video of him drifting

12.This guy who couldn't even bother to start a new line of text before switching the topic from loved ones dying to...whatever this was:

man saying his condolences and then going into a fantasy of how he would set up a room of flowers and candles and wait for her with dinner

13.This guy who did the ol' yell-at-a-woman-when-rejected-then-immediately-regret-it:

guy calls woman a bitch after she rejects and then sends a bunch of messages pleading her to respond

14.This guy who did so many 180°s, he's just spinning in a circle at this point:

man insulting someone and then trying to keep the conversation going

15.This guy who really thought the woman he sent unsolicited dick pics to seven years ago wouldn't see the deleted messages:

guy pretends his dick pics were just spam and then tells her no cop would believe her and she'd be humiliated and then a couple hours later still asks if they're on for thursday

16.This guy who took no response to mean keep responding, even it means insulting her:

guy sending multiple unanswered messages

17.This guy who flipped out at a simple "Lol no":

man insults a woman after she declines taking him to the airport

18.This self-proclaimed "nice guy" who's probably anything but nice:

guy sending unanswered texts about how he's just a nice guy

19.And finally, this guy who went from ~totally normal~ to ~controlling boyfriend~ real fast (even though they JUST matched):

"you're at a party without me, don't want anything to happen to you"

H/T: r/niceguys, r/creepyPMs, r/sadcringe, and r/NotHowGirlsWork