This $19 Hands-Free Dog Leash Makes Long Walks With a Dog Who Pulls Bearable (for Both of You)

I recently spent two and a half weeks petsitting my aunt’s adorable dog Finn, a well-behaved golden retriever who is a ball of energy by 2 p.m. if he hasn’t gotten at least an hour-long walk in. I actually enjoyed the ritual of taking Finn on a daily stroll or two, mainly because I could use this hands-free running dog leash that left my two paws open for texting, podcast browsing, water sipping and other activities.

iYoShop Hands-Free Dog Leash With Zipper Pouch

iYo Shop hands-free dog leash
iYo Shop hands-free dog leash

Today's Top Deals

Buy: iYoShop Hands-Free Dog Leash $19.99 (orig. $26.99) 26% OFF


highly recommend it if you have a pet who pulls slightly but not too much and needs a lot of exercise to stay sane the rest of the day. The pouch up top is perfect for holding your phone, poop bags, treats, etc., and the leash has two “shock absorber” sections with more elastic for reducing the tugging you and your pup experience on walks.

The least is also made with reflective threading for safety during late-night walks, has a 2″ heavy-duty clip for security and a D-ring so you can attach extra accessories if needed. The leash has two handles that you can grab and pull if needed.

hands-free dog leash
hands-free dog leash

Why You Need It

I have a bit of a hot take to share: I hate when people walk their dogs off the leash. I get it: Your dog is your sidekick, and you’ve trained them with the hammer of Thor to not suddenly bolt away at the slightest rustle in the bushes. But some of us have dogs that don’t get along with other dogs. We need a way to restrain our dog if another pet wanders over. It’s still an animal, and animals are unpredictable. If your inability to restrain your dog in a tense or dangerous moment means my dog is negatively affected, that’s a problem for me.

However, I will also say, walking for an hour holding a dog leash is a pain in the butt. Texting becomes difficult, your wrist and hand can get sore, and it can be hard to get water, adjust your clothes or do anything else you need to do with your hands. That’s why hands-free leashes are the perfect middle ground. They were initially created for running with your dog, so you could pump your arms and control your running dog using your waist, aka a stronger center of gravity than your arm, but I think they’re ideal for daily walks and strolls as well.

Buy: iYoShop Hands-Free Dog Leash $19.99 (orig. $26.99) 26% OFF


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