19 "Brain-Breaking" Images That'll Leave You Stumped, Baffled, And Straight-Up Flabbergasted

1. This disembodied cat head:

A floating cat head

2. This headless commuter:

A man on a train

3. This guy just relaxing in the water:

A man holding an urchin

4. This Muppet in search of love:

A woman and man watching the water

5. This dog who is absolutely jacked:

A dog laying down

6. This magical cat:

A woman holding a cat

7. This confused railing:

A railing

From another angle...

A railing

8. These perfectly straight legs:

A woman sitting on a stool

9. This footless fellow:

A man's feet

10. These matching motorcyclists:

A man on a motorcycle

11. This dirty boat:

A piece of cake

12. This perplexing pup:

A dog's face sideways
BuzzFeed / u/JohanStrausss

13. This phantom chair leg:

A chair

14. This crooked house:

A steep street

From another angle...

A steep street outside of a house

15. This knotted napper:

Two people sleeping on an airport bench

16. This double dog:

A puppy

17. This broken chair:

A cat on a chair

18. This contorted cow:

A cow

19. And, this tangled up pup:

A dog on the beach

Check out r/confusing_perspective for more wild images!