18 Things In Your Home Professional Organizers Will Always Get Rid Of

Organize like a pro.

<p>Getty Images / Kseniya Ovchinnikova</p>

Getty Images / Kseniya Ovchinnikova

After speaking to many professional organizers, we’ve realized there’s no real secret to keeping a house organized. Keeping your garage, kitchen, closet, dresser drawers, and bathroom neat and free of clutter is all about staying on top of the mess by continually getting rid of items that are no longer serving you or your home. That means regular closet clean-outs and regular kitchen, office, bathroom, and garage clean-outs, too.

If that sounds absolutely overwhelming, you’re not alone. There’s a reason that people regularly hire professional organizers to help. These pros know exactly where to begin when tackling a disaster of a bedroom closet or an overflowing kitchen cupboard. Luckily, we found organizers across the South who are happy to share their tips. 

Here are items that professional organizers will always get rid of in a home and if you’re curious about what items would never buy in the first place, head here.

Containers with Missing Tops or Bottoms

“This applies to storage containers and Tupperware,” says Nikki Bell of Just Us Organizing in Houston, Texas. “Go through all of your empty Tupperware and bin containers and match the tops and bottom. Whatever doesn't have a match, that is damaged, or not needed must go.” 

Unused Gifts or Souvenirs

“These items can be tough to part with due to sentimental value, but if they're not being used or displayed, they're just taking up valuable space,” says Kenika Williams of Tidied by K, a professional organizing company in Atlanta, Georgia.

Greeting Cards

“If someone gives me a greeting card and simply signs their name at the bottom of what Hallmark wrote, I get rid of it,” says Alyssa Trosclair of Emend, a professional organizing service in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. “If the person wrote a personalized message to me, I may keep it for a little while, but ultimately will scan the card and store it electronically.”

Hangers That Don’t Match

Since her clients hire her to help create a clean, organized look, Tonia Tomlin of Sorted Out, a professional organizing company in Dallas, Texas, heads right for the closets and starts ditching all hangers that don’t match.

Duplicate or Nearly Empty Makeup and Hair Products

“Makeup expires faster than most of us realize, so if it’s cracked, nearly gone, or you have a few versions of it? It goes!” says Lindsay Melvin of Orchid Organizing also in Atlanta.

Plastic Grocery Bags

“Yes they are useful, but the number that are saved must be limited.” says Bell. “Have a small container to hold the limited amount and once it is full recycle the others at your local grocery store.”

Duplicate Kitchen Items

“How many spatulas or measuring cups does one kitchen need?” asks Williams. “Reducing duplicates in the kitchen opens up space and makes it easier to find what you're looking for when cooking.”

Shipping Boxes

“I recycle them and am not tempted to keep them in case I might need them—more boxes will show up,” says Trosclair.

OId Towels

“I have two categories of towels in my house, the ones for body use and ones for cleaning use,” says Melvin. “Once a towel is worn out from either of those, they go!”

Tax-Related Papers More Than 7 Years Old

“According to the IRS, most people in good tax standings do not need to keep tax related paperwork for more than 7 years. Check with your CPA to find out what they recommend for your situation,” advises Trosclair.

Unused or Broken Electronics

“Old cell phones, broken gadgets, or outdated tech gear tend to accumulate in drawers or bins tucked away,” says Williams. “Recycling or donating them frees up space and reduces clutter.”


“Most manuals can be accessed online on the rare occasion that you need them. I only keep the manuals for the appliances, hot water heater, and HVAC systems that will stay with my home in case I sell it,” says Trosclair.

Apparel That No Longer Fits

“I focus on wearing items that fit me and show me in the best light,” says Bell. “Keep a basket or bag in the closet to drop items that no longer fit.”

Promotional Items

“I try to never pick up any freebies from conferences or other events unless I actually will use them. I donate anything that I may have received that I won't use,” says Trosclair.

Expired Foods

Tomlin of Sorted Out says that one of the first things she and her team look for in a home is expired food to toss. This includes the refrigerator, pantry, cupboards, and spice rack.

Kids' Artwork

“I love the artwork my kids bring home, but there is too much of it! My rules are that I keep our favorite piece from each holiday and any artwork where they expressed themselves and didn't simply follow directions from the teacher (ex, cut here, paste here, color here). I either toss the rest or scan it,” says Trosclair.

Out-of-Date Medication

“Go through your medicine cabinets at least twice per year. Check the dates and make note of the items you use frequently that are set to expire soon,” says Bell.

Plastic Utensils and Condiments from Takeout

“I try to tell the restaurant that I don't need the utensil packs, but if they put it in there automatically, I donate it to schools or shelters,” says Trosclair.

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