18 Screenshots Of Bosses Who Have NO BUSINESS Being In Charge — Like, They Should Be Fired ASAP

1.This boss who could not, "in good conscience," pay overseas workers their minimum wage:

"I simply can't in good conscience, pay the project management interns $20"

2.This boss who found out their employee's son was literally on life support...

"If you can't come to work that's you quitting"

...and said, "There is no reason you can't work":

"If you aren't there to work your shift tomorrow then I take that as you've quit"

3.This boss who was upset their employee hadn't eaten before work (while not paying them enough to buy food):

"If this continues we will have to escalate this just so you are aware"

4.This owner who posted a sign blaming their lack of staff on 33-year-olds playing video games in their parents' basements:

"Let's put our big boy and girl underwear on and get a job!"

Definitely has nothing to do with the crappy wages you're offering!

A man rolling his eyes
A man rolling his eyes


5.This boss who decided the best way to handle workers putting in their two weeks' notice was to require three months' notice (with reduced pay!):

"The new rule in our employee handbook will be updated to now requiring a 3 months notice since that's how long it took to train you."

6.This boss who threatened to fire any employee who looked into unionizing (which is SUPER ILLEGAL):

"If you work for ______ and DM this man I will fire you on the spot"

7.This boss who stole their workers' tips (which is ILLEGAL BTW):

"Our boss takes all of our tips"

8.This boss who said it was "unacceptable" for their employee to sit down during their shift, even with a broken foot...

"I'm really not appreciating your attitude"

...and suddenly tried to backpedal when their employee quit:

"Let's talk in the morning and we can sort this out."
Beca saying, "Boom!"
Beca saying, "Boom!"


9.This boss who told employees that their pay would be reduced by $2/hour if they used their cellphones at work:

"You are not permitted to charge your cell phone at work."

10.This president/CEO who made a sign asking employees to donate their PTO to a sick coworker rather than, IDK, giving her the time off:

"If there is anyone who would like to donate one or more days of PTO..."

11.This boss who thought the age you got your driver's license should determine your eligibility for a job as an adult:

"I like when I hear the day I turned 16. That person is a go-getter"

12.This boss who fired their employee because they couldn't attend a "cleaning party" with only a few hours notice:

"I understand, it sounds like you're very busy, and I unfortunately I don't think this will be a good fit for you."
Rashida Jones shrugging
Rashida Jones shrugging


13.This boss who told his employee to "stop being a victim" when their dad passed away:

"My uncle died a few days ago, I lost my grandpa. Stop being a victim."

14.This boss who — in her own words — pays her employees an amount that's not enough to live off:

"I asked her how much she thought she paid me. She left without a word."

15.This boss who fired an employee and still texted them questions about the job:

"In 25 years I've never had anyone fire me then expect me to still work."

16.This boss who put up a "motivational quote":

"The reward for work well done is the opportunity to do more."
GIF from "Abbott Elementary"
GIF from "Abbott Elementary"


17.This boss who put up a sign with shockingly bad math to discourage workers from taking time off:

"We generously give you 14 days vacation per year..."

18.And finally, this boss who tried to force an employee to pick up a shift...

"No you won't I'm not coming in you can't make me"

...by holding health insurance over their head:

"Did you really just threaten me with health insurance?"
A woman looking angry and making claws with her hands
A woman looking angry and making claws with her hands


Have you ever had a horrible boss? What was the worst thing they said or did? Share your story in the comments below!