18 Screenshots Of Bumble Interactions That Show The Modern Dating Pool Is Filled With Garbage

1.This person who is very confused/confusing.

  Icy_Lengthiness_7242 / Via reddit.com

2.This dude Dave who is 46 years old and couldn't cook up a respectful introduction.

  Lauracstone / Via reddit.com

3.This person trying to make Christmas a sexy holiday.

  poppasquatz / Via reddit.com

4.This person who is mistaking a "red flag" for an "actual real flag with the color red on it."

  Snoo_38398 / Via reddit.com

5.This person who really earned the "How 'bout no!" gif in response.

  HelloMikkii / Via reddit.com

6.This person whose 'About me' section basically says, "feminism is bad."

  MsMittenz / Via reddit.com

7.This person who may have overreacted to being asked what they do for work.

  ThatsAFuckingTuba / Via reddit.com

8.This conversationalist.

"You got huge tits"

9.This "compliment."

"You must get lots of compliments"

10.This person who asked a wild question before they'd even said "Hello."

"How would you rate your bj skills?"


"Sex?" "Female"

12.This fetishization that got someone unmatched.

  nooraameliesaetre / Via reddit.com

13.This person who is coming on strong/creepy/like a real weirdo with another dash of fetishization.

"You are beautiful and I love southeast Asian women."

14.This atrocious interaction that's got some racism and fetishization swirled together.

  PurpleStars_RedHeart / Via reddit.com

15.And this straight-up racist message.

"glad you're not Mexican is all. It's a culture I don't care for"

16.This person who brought the conversation to a halt with unnecessary, forced sexual innuendo.

"I'd be happy if I was sitting on that lap"

17.This guy who bought that shirt, wore that shirt, took a photo in that shirt, and posted it on his dating profile.

A guy wearing a shirt that says "two-seater" with arrows pointing down and up

18.And finally — first read this person's bio...

"I have everything we need."

...then read this exchange where they get upset with someone for making a playful comment referencing the bio to start the conversation.

"There ain't a single guy on any of these apps. Lmao."