18 Poor, Miserable Souls Who Are Just Having A Way, Way, Way, Way, Way, Way, Way, Way Worse Week Than You

If you just had an absolute stinker of a week, just remember...

1.The person who learned a valuable lesson about online shopping:

  u/nach_steel84 / Via reddit.com

2.The person who turned their garage into a winter wonderland:

  u/pcdivine / Via reddit.com

3.The person whose child might just have a future in the art world:

  u/venar / Via reddit.com

4.The person who might have just received the most bent piece of mail in existence:

  u/firesidepoet / Via reddit.com

5.The person who gave their laptop a shrimp aerial assault:

  u/itistrav / Via reddit.com

6.The person who angered the ketchup gods:

  u/thek2kid / Via reddit.com

7.The person who forgot probably the worst thing to forget in their pants:

  u/Kitchen_Economics182 / Via reddit.com

8.The person who was hoisted by their own petard:

  u/joechump / Via reddit.com

9.The person who pulled a Daniel Plainview with their Airpod:

  u/alflea / Via reddit.com

10.The person who lost the avocado lottery:

  u/16596 / Via reddit.com

11.The person who will be finding chia seeds until the cows come home. The cows come home, I say!

  u/thesaddestbread / Via reddit.com

12.The person whose pillow went absolutely nuclear:

  u/itsthemanfromscene24 / Via reddit.com

13.The person who had to look upon this abomination:

  u/pelito / Via reddit.com

14.The person whose life holds no fortune:

  u/hotchisbae / Via reddit.com

15.The person who gets to share their pastry with a little friend:

  u/randorredjockz / Via reddit.com

16.The person whose thumb was touched by the devil himself:

  u/wildbeaver635 / Via reddit.com

17.The person who created a new species on their stinky old washcloth:

  u/forsaken_birthday985 / Via reddit.com

18.And Ol' Scratchy Eye:

Come on, now, Ol' Scratchy Eye.