I Hate These 18 Nightmare-Inducing Photos So Much That I'd Give Up My Firstborn Just To Erase Them From My Memory

Buckle up, folks — it's time to look at some weird and anxiety-inducing pics of things that absolutely shouldn't exist!!!

1.This bong made with real teeth:

A bong in the shape of a scary face

2.This Pornhub truck that's already been driven for 85,000 miles (it really gets around!):

"1983 Ford Ranger Regular Cab"
@rinbcage / Via Twitter: @rinbcage

3.This bar of soap that looks like a slab of meat:

meat soap
@kiwehhhhh / Via Twitter: @kiwehhhhh

4.This Dobby-esque baby doll:

A doll that looks like a house elf

5.These antlered reindeer wine bottle holders that look awfully horny:

Antler wine openers
u/co_ntv95 / Via reddit.com

6.This ballsy and age-inappropriate Halloween costume:

"Halloween costume"
@baishunpuwu / Via Twitter: @baishunpuwu

7.This new Duck Dynasty cast member:

A duck dressed like a human
@dabeerishere / Via Twitter: @dabeerishere

8.This off-putting Arthur the aardvark costume head:

A plush Arthur head
@kevin_krust / Via Twitter: @kevin_krust

9.This weird and uncomfy spare tire placement:

A spare tire in the body of the car
u/YourFriendPutin / Via reddit.com

10.These R-rated Halloween decorations on the back of a school bus:

Halloween decorations on a school bus
u/prostipope / Via reddit.com

11.This Mickey Mouse doll begging for the sweet release of death:

a scary Mickey Mouse doll
@Queen_is_dead69 / Via Twitter: @Queen_is_dead69

12.This Marlboro dresser for the brand-loyal smoker in your life:

A Marlboro dresser
@colin_dunlap / Via Twitter: @colin_dunlap

13.This limp, soulless Big Bird costume:

Tired Big Burd
@justsomegvy / Via Twitter: @justsomegvy

14.This creepy mannequin made of corks:

a mannequin made of corks
u/tootieClark / Via reddit.com

15.This bicycle that's uncomfortable to sit on AND look at:

A bicycle shaped like a dragon
@Tweets_of_Oscar / Via Twitter: @Tweets_of_Oscar

16.This doll-pyramid nightmare someone found outside their apartment:

a weird doll pyramid
u/lordofspearton / Via reddit.com

17.This mutant lemon:

a mutated lemon
u/icefor1 / Via reddit.com

18.And finally, this meaty monstrosity:

u/jray1126 / Via reddit.com

H/T r/Weird and r/ATBGE

Don't miss last week's most anxiety-inducing photos!

These 19 Pictures Ruined My Entire Life, And I'll Never Be The Same