18 Photos That Are So Mind-Bending, You're Reeeeally Gonna Have To Stare At Them

1.Believe it or not, this is NOT a lake:

A lake that looks like a wall

(It's a wall!)

u/Ponder_wisely / Via reddit.com

2.Ouch, my brain:

A parking garage
u/georgefourmens / Via reddit.com

3.I'm, like, 99% sure this person is fishing out of an airplane:

a fishing pole that looks like it's high in the air
u/Vishwasm123 / Via reddit.com

4.All right, who seasoned the cat:

A cat on a piece of seasoned chicken
u/Yeeslander / Via reddit.com

5.My eyessssssssss:

a person with see-through shoes on an escalator
u/avantgardengnome / Via reddit.com

6.Why on earth are the dividers see-thr — ohhh, it's a reflection:

bathroom urinals look like they've got a see-through partition
u/themileboy / Via reddit.com

7.This would absolutely scare me to death:

looks like there's a giant praying mantis in the yard
u/Sycoraxis / Via reddit.com

8.Never has anything lined up this perfectly, ever:

glass building has clouds reflected on it to blend with the sky
u/VacantlyDie51 / Via reddit.com

9.Driveway, or concrete wall?

photo looks like the driveway is lifted feet off the ground
u/X3FBrian / Via reddit.com

10.Arctic expedition, or icy windshield? Either way, it's cold:

windshield looks like it's got a mountain landscape drawn on it
u/Bigpoppahove / Via reddit.com

11.I think I saw this once on Pimp My Ride:

reflection from the window makes it look like there's a pool table on the back of a car
u/nobodynowherex86 / Via reddit.com

12.Select eraser tool --> erase building:

side of a brick building seems to be painted the same color as the sky
u/-Jude / Via reddit.com

13.Don't fall into the Allen wrench case — AAAAAAaaaaaaaₐₐₐₐₐₐₐ:

allen wrench case looks like it goes on forever
u/cereal_killerer / Via reddit.com

14.Okay, so there's an overhang on the porch that's covering up part of the ladder, but honestly, for a second I thought they had a large digital clock on their roof:

ladder looks like it's going through the roof
u/thegooseisloose369 / Via reddit.com

15.This is either masterful stonework, orrrrrrrr just shadows:

shadows on the columns make it looks like bigger bites were taken from the middle
u/deleted / Via reddit.com

16.I literally couldn't figure this one out until someone told me:

shadow of a window makes it look like it's levatating

17.Wow, these aquarium decorations are getting so life-like:

reflection makes it look like a dog is lying inside a fish tank
u/EvoConEvo8 / Via reddit.com

18.And that's it for today. See ya!

statue of a horse creeping from the side of the building that looks like it's waving with a human hand
u/cinwald / Via reddit.com

H/T r/confusing_perspective