18 Photos That Prove Half The World Is Living In The Year 3022, While The Rest Of Us Are Stuck Here In 2022

1.This library has a library of tools and household items that you could borrow:

Lockers with items to check out

2.This bathroom has splash guards to protect your shoes at the bottom of every urinal:

  u/Th3B055 / Via reddit.com

3.This bar has a chilled strip on the counter to keep your drinks cold:

  u/kr5228 / Via reddit.com

4.This bar has an aquarium in the counter:

  u/[deleted] / Via reddit.com

5.This bathroom has hand sanitizer built in at the bottom of the door handle so you can sanitize your hands after touching it to leave:

  u/grungalung / Via reddit.com

6.This restroom has lights on the stall to tell you if it's occupied or not:

  u/CliffbytheSea / Via reddit.com

7.This airport has a little patch of grass next to doggie bags and a trash can so that dogs can do their "business" without making a mess on the floor:

The fake grass spot also has a fire hydrant

8.This bathroom is free for children only and has a little cutout so they can walk in without paying:

  u/Prodigy829 / Via reddit.com

9.This pub has a designated area for puking and handlebars to hold onto while doing so:

The puking area is a round bin in the middle with handlebars on the side

10.This chair seat has storage for your belongings:

When the seat is lifted a v-shaped compartment appears

11.This bar has a breathalyzer by the exit to make sure you're 100% OK to drive:

  u/fusionman51 / Via reddit.com

12.This restaurant has a device with buttons so you can request the server, ask for the bill, or tell them that your table is done eating:

  u/[deleted] / Via reddit.com

13.This library has a window that gives you a cool view of the creek:

The circular window shows a fish swimming by

14.This bathroom has a quote on the wall that's written backward so that you can only read it while looking in the mirror:

The quote is: By looking at a problem from a different perspective, sometimes the solution becomes clear

15.This library was moved into an old grocery store, and kept the old aesthetic:

The books are set on shelves inside what used to be frozen section freezers

16.This hotel jacuzzi fills up the tub from the ceiling:

  u/Rollipollipotamus / Via reddit.com

17.This hotel shower door has a cutout so you can turn it on before getting in the shower:

  u/IBeBobbyBoulders / Via reddit.com

18.And lastly, this train has seats that face the windows so you can admire the nature:

The train passes through trees as passengers look on