18 Petrifying Photographs That Are Ridiculously Scary For No Good Reason

1.This person who's a bird-woman hybrid:

A woman with something a beak

2.This cat that sits like a human:

A cat sitting on a shelf

3.This sign that's causing me a lot of existential stress:

"Would you know if you were dreaming right now?"

4.This wolf that had a bone lodged in its palate until it died:

A wolf skull with a bone in its palate

5.This snapping turtle that's the size of a St. Bernard:

A large snapping turtle

6.This Craigslist ad that's horror movie material:

Someone's feet next to a compressor motor

7.These rubber gloves in a washing machine that look like they're a portal to a screwed-up dimension:

A bunch of hands in a dryer

8.This pipe that looks like a sniper:

A pipe

9.This realistic model of an enormous prehistoric bird:

Model of a giant bird

10.This robot husky that looks like it's out for blood:

A robot husky

11.This dog collar that's meant to deter wolves:

A spiky dog collar

12.This Thanksgiving dinner made by satan himself:

A giant crab for dinner

13.And this snowman that was definitely made by satan, too:

A scary snowman

14.This deeply evil shadow:

A scary shadow

15.This less-than-ideal sleep setup:

Someone sleeping in a room filled with dolls

16.This cat-grooming hack job:

A cat with everything shaved off except their face

17.This rock in Wisconsin that looks way too much like a skull:

A rock that's shaped like a skull

18.And finally, this woman's knees that look like they have demons trapped inside of them:

Closeup of a woman's knee caps

H/T: r/oddlyterrifying