18 People Who Were Wrong, Wrong, Wrong On Main This Month

1.This is so American.

someone not realizing their car is showing kilometers and miles

2.Honestly, this is pretty American, too.

someone thinking obama could be president again

3.Now, I'm not a doctor, but even I can tell you that this isn't a thing.

  u/gaytransdragon / Via reddit.com

4.Oh! Well, if you typed it in...

  u/Twelve-Majestic-Lies / Via reddit.com

5.Fun fact: 12 p.m. and midnight are in fact not the same thing.

someone confused about 12 noon and 12 midnight


use your brain not calculator madam

7.Ducks aren't birds, birds aren't real, therefore ducks are real.

  u/Organic_Valuable_610 / Via reddit.com

8.And yet, here you are, using the word that isn't a word.

someone saying dumbass isn't a word

9.TIL that I do not have a pelvis. Bummer.

women have a pelvis men do not plain and simple

10.Well, this certainly would've solved a whole lot of issues.

the uk is famously not a catholic country

11.Regrow testicles through raw meat diet, more at 11.

  u/milasssd / Via reddit.com

12.There's just...so much wrong here.

when girls pee out of their vagina the pee pushes the sperm out so it can't reach the egg

13.Honestly, I WISH this was true.

nasa is just satan minus the t that's why they say t minus when they blast off

14.Yeah, it's like unicorns, or the Jabberwock, or this guy's sex life.

the clit isn't a physical thing

15.As Missy Elliott once said, "flip it and reverse it" (pretty sure she was talking about this).

  u/stainlessstorm1 / Via reddit.com

16.My god, they've figure it out!

someone claiming to figure out time travel

17.I dunno, there were a lot of technical-sounding words here, this one might check out.

  u/bertz1987 / Via reddit.com

18.And finally, the best way to be financially successful is to be good at very basic math.

  u/PWNWTFBBQ / Via reddit.com

H/T r/confidentlyincorrect