OK, These 18 Jokes About How Ridiculous The English Language Is Had Me Actually Seething

English is hard for everyone. You could be learning it as a second language or even majoring in it in college, but either way, it'll never make perfect sense. Some language quirks can be fun. Others? Infuriating.

Feel free to give a follow to the accounts that really nailed it.

1.English really should not be that difficult to read.

2.Granted, the language has its moments.

3.But also, it sometimes just refuses to make sense.

4.And don't get me started on the spelling.

5.Of course, our spelling has rules; it's just that none of them ever apply!

6.But blame the French and Italians, not us!

7.No, really. Most of the time you're mad, you can blame the French.

8.Although sometimes, their influence can bring a certain je ne sais quoi to otherwise... inelegant verbiage.

9.So true.

10.I personally have, like, 12 of these:

11.TBH, these have always annoyed me.

12.I do know the answers to these, but they still make me mad...

13.Who knew??

14.For the record, American spelling is superior.

15.And I will always defend the glottal stop "T."

16.English has its good moments!

17.If you don't like chips...

Anything in particular drive you nuts when it comes to English? Or any words you particularly like?

I personally love salacious and elixir. But that's just me.