Famous Bars and Restaurants in Movies

Admit it, you’ve always wanted to tag along for an adrenaline-pumping chase scene, kick back with a magical hobbit/avatar-like creature in an equally mystical setting, or skip around town with legendary superheroes to save the planet. While many of your favorite flicks are filmed on a sound stage to bring these larger-than-life scenes to the big screen, there’s still hope.

Every so often, in between the fabricated stunts and over-the-top CGI special effects, Hollywood gives its viewers a glimmer of reality. Sometimes that comes in the form of a bloopers reel; other times it’s simply when a director creates cinematic magic by filming in a real-life restaurant or bar. In regards to the latter, there are several spots around the world that have been used on the small- and big-screen, oftentimes taking on a character of their own (or at the very least, inspire a fictional joint on camera). So if you’ve ever dreamt about grabbing a round with Sam, Diane, and the rest of the gang at Cheers, time-traveling with Gil to wax poetic about literature with Hemingway, busting a move atop a bar with a bunch of Coyote Ugly dancers, or turning the “Great Balls of Fire” Maverick-and-Goose duet into a trio with your superb vocals, this is your chance. Do your inner film fan a favor and add these 18 legendary movie restaurants and bars to your travel bucket list.