175 Unpopular Opinions That Will Definitely Have You Scratching Your Head

Have you ever wondered if someone else has the same outlook as you? Does someone think the same thoughts as you? Or maybe you look at your Twitter feed and decide you’re all alone in your opinion on a topic. Voicing a thought that’s contrary to popular opinion can be funny at its best, or terrifying and nerve-wracking at its worst. But having an unpopular opinion that goes against the status quo may not be as uncommon as you think—you just may be the only one brave enough to say it.

Research shows that expressing your individuality can help you to be more creative and even build up your self-esteem. And your thoughts and feelings (no matter how controversial!) are a part of who you are as an individual.

Whether it elicits laughter or brings you to the brink of World War III, here’s a look at 175 divisive opinions.

Unpopular Opinions That Make an Impression

1. Close relationships with your exes are a healthy part of life.

2. It’s better for some couples not to have children.

3. Political correctness is killing free speech.

4. Getting married solves most of your problems in life.

5. Money can buy happiness.

6. We will all die and will soon be forgotten.

7. Marriage is more about business and less about love.

8. People who are nice just want something from you.

9. I prefer eating alone over eating with my spouse.

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10. Politics are not that important.

11. Receiving gifts as a love language is just well-packaged greed.

12. Keeping secrets is great for a relationship.

13. Traveling is a waste of money.

14. Technology is horrible and it’s a waste.

15. In theory, communism is the best form of government because it ensures access to resources.

16. Your body adapts when you don’t wear deodorant.

17. The words, “I love you” are meaningless.

18. People need a license to have kids.

19. There’s nothing wrong with walking barefoot in public.

20. Cancel culture is scary, too powerful, and unproductive.

21. Washing clothes is a waste of time.

22. The idea of world peace is boring.

23. Giving is not better than receiving.

24. Gifts mean more in relationships than affection.

25. Trust in a relationship is overrated.

26. There’s nothing wrong with living off of someone else if you don’t want to work.

27. Loyalty is overrated.

28. Deodorant really isn’t necessary.

29. Your dreams can show you your future.

30. It’s possible to travel in time.

31. Your career should be more important than your relationships.

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Funny Unpopular Opinions

1. Dogs are loud and cats are smelly. Buy a fish.

2. Searching for a job is a lot of fun.

3. There’s no worse chore than folding laundry.

4. Facebook and Twitter are the exact same, only different.

5. Math and Science are the most fun and easy school subjects.

6. Paris, France, just isn’t that glamorous.

7. Puppies are downright ugly.

8. Prisoners get a better deal than most citizens – free room and board.

9. Chess is the greatest sport of all time.

10. Wearing clothes is overrated.

11. Most people enjoy receiving spam calls.

12. Using cell phones during dinner helps people bond as a family.

13. Showers in the morning are better than taking showers at night.

14. There’s no such thing as too many books.

15. You don’t have to brush your teeth every day.

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Simple Yet Divisive Opinions

1. There’s no point in making the bed each morning when you’re just going to get back in it.

2. Christmas is the worst holiday—it’s all about corporate greed.

3. The TV Show Friends is overrated. And it’s just not that funny.

4. YouTube is a useless platform.

5. The beach isn’t fun; it’s just sandy and dirty.

6. Star Wars movies just aren’t that good.

7. Harry Potter books and movies are horrible.

8. Shakespeare really wasn’t that good of a writer.

9. Electricity is unnecessary.

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10. It’s disgusting to eat food with your hands.

11. All superhero movies have the same plot.

12. Putting pictures of food on social media is just weird.

13. People should not say “God bless you” when someone sneezes.

14. Your opinion is more important than anyone else’s.

15. Social media brings people closer.

16. It’s better to call back when someone texts you.

17. Toilet paper should roll under, not over.

18. Hate is just as powerful as love.

19. You don’t have to know how to read to be successful.

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Controversial Opinions on Music

1. Beyoncé’s influence is exaggerated.

2. Polka music is the best genre of all time.

3. This generation has music that’s so much better than the last generation.

4. Listening to podcasts and talk radio is better than listening to music.

5. Justin Bieber is not talented.

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6. Michael Jackson was just another dancer.

7. Apple Music beats Spotify.

8. Music videos are the same as going to a concert, just cheaper.

9. The music from Hamilton is overrated.

10. The Beatles made no contribution to music.

11. Taylor Swift is "okay" as a singer.

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Controversial Opinions on Food and Drinks

1. Ice cream is disgusting.

2. Drinking soda out of a can is weird and doesn’t taste right.

3. Tomatoes are not a fruit.

4. Ketchup should be kept in the refrigerator.

5. Sugar belongs in grits.

6. Quinoa is too small to taste.

7. Fresh food tastes worse than canned food.

8. Liver and onions is a delicious meal and should be a part of every restaurant’s kids’ menu.

9. French fries taste better reheated.

10. Syrup on pancakes just ruins them.

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11. Hot dogs are better than hamburgers any day of the week.

12. Beer is better at room temperature.

13. Movie theatre popcorn is not that good.

14. Cheese ruins a good dish.

15. Pancakes and waffles are the same thing.

16. Pineapple on pizza is delicious.

17. Pepperoni on pizza is disgusting.

18. Mustard is better than ketchup.

19. Pepsi is better than Coke.

20. Mac and cheese is too gooey.

21. The taste of buttery is disgusting.

22. Bottled water is a racket – just drink tap.

23. Oatmeal raisin cookies beat chocolate chip cookies, hands down.

24. Bacon is gross and greasy.

25. Sweet tea is too sweet.

26. Cereal is ruined by milk.

27. Nuts should not be added to food.

28. Pizza tastes better cold.

29. Frosting doesn’t belong on cake or cupcakes.

30. Mayonnaise tastes better on French fries than ketchup does.

31. The need for caffeine is overrated.

32. Dark chocolate tastes better than milk chocolate.

33. Sugar tastes delicious on spaghetti.

34. Avocados are just slimy, green, and tasteless.

35. Barbecue sauce on pizza is more delicious than marinara sauce.

36. Lots of garlic makes anything taste better.

37. Vegetables are better than dessert.

38. More people like apple juice than orange juice.

39. Soggy cereal is tastier.

40. Homemade food beats takeout any day.

41. Fruit should not be dipped in chocolate.

42. All foods are made better with ranch dressing or chocolate.

43. Soft shell tacos are better than hard shell tacos.

44. Candy corn is the best Halloween candy.

45. Everyone should love fruitcakes at Christmas.

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Unpopular Opinions About Life

1. Getting ahead at any cost is what matters.

2. The glass isn’t half full, it’s half empty.

3. Different political opinions won’t matter in a relationship.

4. Cold weather beats warm weather any day.

5. Wealth should be evenly distributed so there is no rich or poor.

6. Money can buy you love.

7. If you try hard enough, you can make someone change.

8. Driving in silence is better than playing music.

9. Benedict Arnold was just misunderstood.

10. New Yorkers are the friendliest people in the world.

11. Humidity in the air does wonders for hair.

12. All phone conversations should be held on speakerphone.

13. The best things in life are not free.

14. Most snakes are harmless.

15. Cold water is the best for your showers.

16. Android phones beat iPhones.

17. PCs make better computers than Macs.

18. Fake plants make better décor than real plants.

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19. It’s easy to keep a schedule.

20. It’s better to stay up late than get up early.

21. Childbirth is not painful.

22. People are more alert if they’re sleepy.

23. Cartoons are only for kids.

24. Watching people chew gum is disgusting.

25. Jeans are comfortable enough to sleep in.

26. People with kids should have to sit separately from people without kids in public settings.

27. Beanbag chairs are weird and uncomfortable.

28. You should have as many baby showers as you need.

29. Wild animals should be trained to be safe pets.

30. Most people lie.

31. More Americans like baseball than football.

32. Ironing clothes is an unnecessary activity.

33. Celebrities really are just like the rest of us.

34. Stephen King is not a good author.

35. Swimming pools serve as bacterial Petri dishes.

36. Daily baths and showers aren’t needed.

37. It’s not gross when you sweat.

38. Everyone loves ugly Christmas sweaters.

39. Relationships don’t need laughter.

40. A bad relationship improves the longer you’re in it.

41. A movie based on a book is always better than the book itself.

42. Silverware from a restaurant should always be soaked in hot water.

43. Bring your own bed sheets and pillowcases to a hotel.

44. You end up more tired after a power nap.

45. Spiders make great pets.

46. There’s nothing wrong with going to sleep when it’s light outside.

47. We should use military time instead of AM and PM.

48. Self-help books don’t help.

49. People should have to pay to take carry-on luggage on a plane.

50. Einstein wasn’t smart.

51. Long-distance relationships can’t work out.

52. Age is nothing but a number in relationships.

53. If you have to sacrifice, then it’s not real love.

54. Sleeping at night instead of during the day is strange.

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