I Really Try Not To Mom-Shame, But I'll Make An Exception For These 17 Moms Because This Is Wild

1.This mom who's engraining self-loathing — and a whole lotta confusion — into her child:

mom asking how to make her 5 year old to stop touching herself

2.This mom who doesn't know the first thing about taking care of a baby:

mom asking how much melatonin to give a 4 month old baby

3.Same with this mom:

mom postinga photo of the baby food her 2 month old is already eating

4.This mom who will probably be tracking their child's age in months until they go to college:

mom posting about her 31 month old baby

5.And this mom who is reluctant to give her child the life-saving medicine prescribed by the doctor:

the pus and blood stain on the pillow

6.This mom who's trying to fake vaccination records:

mom asking where and how she can fake shot records for her child to go to a camp

7.This mom who...I don't even know where to start:

baby has fleas

8.This mom who's trying to make other mothers feel less-than for giving birth in a hospital:

aunt bragging that her 17 year old neice had twins at home and is exclusively breast feeding

9.This mom who's really asking the hard-hitting questions:

mom asking if it's stealing if her kid's take food from their own counter

10.This mom who probably has the smelliest baby of all time:

"just realized my baby is almost 5 months old and i've never given him a bath"

11.This mom who's prepping to load her kids up on conspiracy theories:

mom wanting to teach her child some some alternative stories about the truth of 9/11

12.This mom who's way too honest about her pregnancy cravings:

pregnant woman admits she;s been eating chalk

13.This mom who has a terrifying approach to parenting:

baby with socks taped onto their feet

14.This mom who better not make this into a habit:

someone saying that her and her partner had sex next to the baby

15.This mom who's just asking for a household of sick children:

mom saying she doesn't like washing dishes so she makes her 6 kids drink from the same cup

16.This mom who's blatantly lying about her baby's "accomplishments":

mom saying that her 7 month old is talking in full sentences already

17.And finally, this mom who really shouldn't be a mom at all:

mom saying she's anti-vax because diseases happen for population control

H/T: r/shitmomgroupssay