17 Times Women Dealt With Some SERIOUS Toxic Masculinity From Men

Warning: This post mentions stalking, sexual assault, and violence against women.

1. When this guy lost his cool over a woman not wanting to accept flowers from a complete stranger — aka the "kindest of men":

2. Then this guy who "never stalked a day in his life" but still basically threatened to stalk a woman:

3. When this guy absolutely came unraveled at his date asking if they could reschedule:

a woman asking if they can reschedule their date since she has homework and the man accusing her of ghosting him
u/CriticalAd2745 / Via reddit.com
The man trying to text her again after his tantrum and eventually calling her a "waste of time" when she doesn't reply
u/CriticalAd2745 / Via reddit.com

4. When this guy — nay, absolute monster — posted this:

5. When this guy didn't get nudes and threw an essay-long tantrum:

6. When this guy really had the nerve to call sending an unsolicited dick pic "respect":

A guy sending a woman a dick pick and then exploding at her when she isn't into it
u/welcome-to-trench / Via reddit.com
The guy continuing to go off and finishing with "real men don't care for whores like you"
u/welcome-to-trench / Via reddit.com

7. When this guy came out of the woodwork to show how "nice" he really was:

8. When this guy repeatedly showed up at a woman's work to harass her into texting him back:

9. When this guy did one better and found her address so he could harass her at her own home for not texting him back:

10. When this guy went from gross to gross and racist in 0.5 seconds:

11. When this "levelheaded" guy completely outed himself as trash in his profile:

12. When this guy sent a novel in response to not getting a set day/time for a date:

13. When this guy creepily complimented a woman decades younger than him at her work, and was mad she didn't "thank him" properly:

14. When this guy berated a woman for having the audacity to tweet the word "bf":

15. When this guy immediately crossed the line upon learning he wasn't someone's "type":

16. When this guy threatened to leak his ex's nudes and worse when she wouldn't answer the phone:

The ex threatening to leak the nudes
u/cjpandas / Via reddit.com
the woman not backing down and mentioning that she sells nudes so she doesn't care
u/cjpandas / Via reddit.com
the ex threatening to kill her and saying he hopes she gets raped
u/cjpandas / Via reddit.com

17. And finally, when this guy reeeally had the gall to claim that it's soooo much harder for men on dating apps:

  u/Born-Philosopher-162 / Via reddit.com
u/Born-Philosopher-162 / Via reddit.com
  u/Born-Philosopher-162 / Via reddit.com
u/Born-Philosopher-162 / Via reddit.com

h/t: r/niceguys

If you or someone you know has experienced sexual assault, you can call the National Sexual Assault Hotline at 1-800-656-HOPE, which routes the caller to their nearest sexual assault service provider. You can also search for your local center here.