17 Photos That Will Confirm If You Have "Pareidolia" AKA Seeing Faces In Inanimate Objects

There's something about unexpectedly spotting a face in an inanimate object that never fails to make me giggle. It's so very dumb, yet so entertaining. I can't help but point it out if I see it in real life. Whenever I have friends over at my apartment, you'd better believe I'm showing them the carbon monoxide sensor that looks like a judgy little guy:

"this guy just squints at me suspiciously all day long"
Kelsie Hammond

This is such a popular phenomenon that most people experience that there's even a term for it: pareidolia. You likely have a degree of pareidolia, too. I strongly doubt you can get through these 17 pictures from r/facesinthings without feeling like somebody's watchin' you:

1.This side-eyed shed:

a face on a shed
u/sophielachat / Via reddit.com

2.This sickly sink:

a sink with a face
u/1amys3lf / Via reddit.com

3.This terrifying tree:

a face on a tree stump
u/knowitokay / Via reddit.com

4.This onion that laughs while you cry:

laughing onion
u/Fit_Panic_1502 / Via reddit.com

5.This church that puts the fear of God in me:

face in a church
u/Current-Weird-4227 / Via reddit.com

6.This guy who just LOVES cleaning:

a face on a cleaning cart
u/ShaolinShogun / Via reddit.com

7.This box that just gained sentience:

a sad box
u/rawblitz / Via reddit.com

8.This friendly face:

a face on a dispenser
u/hoggsauce / Via reddit.com

9.This nosy neighbor:

a face on a building wall
u/otto_bert / Via reddit.com

10.This concerned coffee:

sad coffee
u/Schmaptee / Via reddit.com

11.This camera that cannot BELIEVE what it's seeing:

a surprised face on a camera
u/spinkxy / Via reddit.com

12.These angry eyebrows:

A workout machine with a mad face
u/Reeeeeve / Via reddit.com

13.This smiling soda:

a Diet Coke carton smiling
u/Swanmanman / Via reddit.com

14.This happy heater:

a "happy heater"

15.This nervous lil guy:

A night stand with a face on it
u/HippieAccountant / Via reddit.com

16.This poor parfait looks so sad:

sad parfait
u/expiredemailedu / Via reddit.com

17.And finally, I think this bag is mad at me:

a mad bag
u/Yamm0th / Via reddit.com