17 Jarring Photos That Stole What Was Left Of My Innocence

1.This location marker on the Google Maps for North Korea:

"help me please"

2.This ginormous ant queen:

Closeup of an ant queen

3.This hyperrealistic Harley Quinn figure being put together:

Closeup of someone making a Harley Quinn figure

4.This portrait of David and Louise Turpin with their children, who they imprisoned and abused for many years:

The Turpin family

5.These preserved baby sharks being sold as souvenirs in the Outer Banks, North Carolina:

Preserved baby sharks in bottles

6.This discarded beer dildo (I don't wanna know about its prior owner):

A beer dildo in the dirt

7.And these discarded fake boobs:

Fake boobs on the ground

8.This jarring sign:

"Hitchhikers may be escaping inmates"

9.This communion dress photo on FB Marketplace:

A person posing in a white dress with their face disturbingly distorted

10.This enormous snake on a hill:

A giant snake on a hill

11.This new dish rack addition:

A face on a dish rack

12.This life-like Sigourney Weaver dummy made for Alien 3:

A Sigourney Weaver dummy

13.This not so inspiring quote:

"'only one day left then it's over'"

14.This demon dog shrub:

A giant shrub shaped like a dog

15.This stray doll head:

A doll head on the ground

16.This smiley eye:

An eyeball with a smiley face

17.And finally, this Goliath Birdeater:

A hand next to a Goliath Birdeater

H/T: r/oddlyterrifying