17 Roommates Who Prove That Some People Actually Have Zero Respect For Others

1.This roommate who started a whole new ecosystem in the rice cooker:

rice cooker with old food and mold

2.These roommates who absolutely obliterated some furniture:

pieces of furniture wood left all over the floor

3.This roommate who treats the shower like his own personal changing room:

dirty clothes in the shower

4.This roommate who let their kids rip into their roomie's food without asking:

two scoops of ice cream left in the pint

5.These roommates who left this passive aggressive note because they're too lazy to carry keys:

angry note saying not to lock the door because no one carries keys

6.This roommate who decided to use a nightlight brighter than the sun:

the room lit up at night

7.This roommate who ~technically~ bought new toilet paper, but just barely:

hand holding up see through toilet paper

8.This roommate who really needs to learn how to clean while they cook:

kitchen with all the food prep left out

9.This roommate who ate a pie that wasn't theirs like a total heathen:

middle of the pie gone

10.This roommate who'd rather die than clean more than a single dish:

pile of dishes in the sink

11.This roommate who played one of the cruelest tricks known to man:

empty pizza box on the kitchen counter

12.This roommate who said, "Nah, I'll just let the plants die":

dead plants

13.This roommate who desecrated a sweet, homemade gift:

burned wooden spoon
closeup of the burn marks and also a chip at the top

14.This roommate who needs to realize that the fridge. is. COMMUNAL:

food thrown in the garbage

15.These roommates who have absolutely zero respect:

sink overflowing with dirty dishes

16.This roommate who left his luggage in the communal space for nearly a week:

opened luggage left on the kitchen counter

17.And finally, this roommate who let the bathroom turn into a horror show:

bathroom sink turned black with gunk

H/T: r/mildlyinfuriating