17 People Who Were Completely Wrong This Month But Were Soooooo Smug About It

1.Fun fact, the Constitution of the United States of America does indeed only apply to the United States of America.

An argument on Twitter ends with someone saying "I'd like you to show me the exact line in the 13th Amendment that says this only applies to the US"


Someone claims food scales measure calories, and when someone says that's not true, the first person replies "calories are based on weight because if you have more food obviously it will have more calories. Cringe"

3.Ah yes, Sir Issac Newton's widely publicized anti-evolution stance.

Someone claims multiple Nobel Prize winners have said evolution is unscientific, and when asked for specific examples, they say "have you ever heard of Sir Isaac Newton or Louis Pasteur?"

4.Great, now try dropping more ice cubes in that broke off the Antarctic ice shelf.

A person claiming global warming isn't an issue puts ice and water in a measuring cup and shows that when the ice has melted, the volume is the same; someone responds "except some ice sits on dry land, oops"

5.Absolutely love this idea, because it would mean that Nikola Tesla also owns Twitter.

Someone says they don't buy Tesla cars because they always buy American, a person responds that Tesla is in California, and the first person responds "Nikola Tesla is Italian"

6.When was this textbook published?

Someone claims their textbook says 48% of Americans think abortion should be illegal, which someone else proves is very outdated with a study by Pew Research


Someone says "Your ass is getting beat in these comments, just give up," and the second person tries to correct their use of "your" and says they look dumber because of bad grammar, but the second person is the one using the wrong form of your

8.Honestly, I'm just trying to wrap my head around "breasts are legally protected."

A person says that "breasts are legally protected and considered female genitalia"

9.Wait 'til this person hears that you have to buy tickets for national parks.

Someone claims you can't trespass on public land, multiple people say that's not true, and the first person doubles down by saying "you're not hearing me, there is no such thing as trespassing on public land"

10.That's very much the opposite of statistics.

Someone advises people to find a roulette table that has hit black a few times in a row because "if it's black a few times, then red is due, that's statistics"

11.You ever read something and think, "Where the living hell did this person get this information from?" No reason, just asking.

A string of comments from the same account claims the common cold is not a health problem and is not caught from other people, it's a seasonal detox your body creates

12.If you disagree enough times, you become correct.

An account claims women can't be colorblind, doubles down on the claim, and then when someone says it's less common but not impossible, they again say "no they can't"

13.Okay, most people thus far have been super smug and annoying, but bless this old man for thinking these butt plugs are cufflinks. That is adorable.

A pair of butt plugs tied together with a rubber band that have bases made to look like gems
Someone asks what these are, an old man responds "cuff links" with an explanation of what cuff links are; then a string of people tell him that's not what's pictured

14.Humans are rocks.

Someone says humans are not animals, a second person asks what they are then, and the first person responds "idk maybe humans"

15.They somehow managed to use both of the wrong options.

Someone uses the wrong form of there, a person corrects them on it, and the first person responds by explaining why they're right but they misuse it a second time

16.I hope this person is trolling, honestly.

A comment says "fucking Americans, thinking they know better than everyone. Either that or they are allergic to the letter U" then gives examples of things Americans don't use the letter U in, and includes the spelling for the number four

17.And finally, a rarity: The DOUBLE confidently incorrect.

Someone says they give in to peer pressure, but they spell it pear like the fruit; a second person corrects them by saying pier but spelling it like the waterfront structure

Want more? Check out last month's collection of wrongness!

H/T to r/confidentlyincorrect