17 Men Who Think Women Shouldn't Be Allowed To Do A Single Thing And Probably Still Wonder Why They're Single

1.This man who thinks women shouldn't wear pants (like, ANY kind of pants):

A post saying pants were invented for men

2.This man who thinks women shouldn't wear high-waisted jeans in particular:

Man saying women shouldn't wear high-waisted jeans

3.This man who thinks women shouldn't wear jeans OR cuddle their own cats:

A man who tells women not to cuddle their cats

4.This man who thinks women shouldn't wear Vans sneakers:

A man saying a woman wears Vans because they're ugly and that's how she wants to feel

5.This man who thinks women shouldn't bring up their partners in conversation:

Reddit post of a man saying women shouldn't talk about their boyfriends

6.This man who thinks women shouldn't be engineers:

Man saying that software engineering and women "don't vibe"

7.This man who thinks women shouldn't wear backless dresses or go to weddings with other men there (lest they wanna risk getting touched by some creep — aka him):

A man saying "don't go to weddings where guys are bound to hit on your if you're attractive."

8.This man who thinks women shouldn't have male friends:

A man saying women shouldn't have male friends

9.These men who think women shouldn't call their partners "baby" or "bae" (but "daddy," "sir," and "lord" are okay):

A man saying women should call their boyfriends, "Daddy" or "Sir"

10.This man who thinks women shouldn't get tattoos because it makes them "morally corrupt":

A man saying, "women who have tattoos are for the dump site..."

11.This man who thinks women shouldn't masturbate:

A man saying women shouldn't masturbate

12.This man who thinks women shouldn't have careers:

A man saying, "The modern career woman is miserable"

13.This man who thinks women shouldn't wear makeup:

A man saying a woman "spends 2 hours spreading bullshit on her face to just feeling comfortable enough to go out."

14.This man who thinks women shouldn't play soccer while on their period:

A man saying, "If you're on period, you have no business on the pitch"

15.This man who doesn't think women should be allowed to complain about their periods:

A man saying "periods are disgusting"

16.This man who thinks women shouldn't have any fun between the ages of 18 and 22:

A man saying, "marriage to them is just an insurance policy in case being a complete slut doesn't work out as planned."

17.And finally, this man who thinks that women shouldn't be allowed to have "friends, a social life, family time," or any kind of life outside of their husband or boyfriend (BARF):

A man saying, "If you have a man, your life revolves around that man."

What's the wildest thing you've heard men say that women "shouldn't" do? Tell us in the comments.

H/T: r/NotHowGirlsWork