17 items you can use to cleanse your home of the straight-up inferno that was 2017

17 items you can use to cleanse your home of the straight-up inferno that was 2017
17 items you can use to cleanse your home of the straight-up inferno that was 2017

It happens every year. It’s January 1st and, suddenly, without even meaning for it to happen, we want to start fresh in a big way. In the biggest way. We want to burn everything we own and then rise anew from the ashes of our old lives. The moment the clock strikes midnight, it’s a mad dash to start 2018 off on the right foot, on a different foot, on any foot. That mop you forgot you had gets pulled out from those cobwebs you’re about to dust as you google places where you can donate that mountain of clothes you’ve had sitting in the corner of your closet for the past, um, 12 months.

Your surroundings? Those are so 2017.

Now that 2018 has risen above the horizon, it’s time for us to set the stage for a year that will (fingers crossed!) be better than the inferno that was 2017. One of the easiest ways to do so is to cleanse your space, that place you scramble back to at the end of a disastrous day. Now that the holidays are over, we’ve got you covered with a 2018 guide for cleansing your home. It’s time for you to start the year off right, by taking care of yourself so you have the tools you need to take care of others.

Let’s do this.

1. Lavender + Red Rose Smudge Stick, The Flowerchild Bruja, $21.21

smudge stick
smudge stick

Lavender to soothe, red rose for power.

Buy here.

2. Pink Himalayan Salt, Amazon, $7.99

sea salt
sea salt

Put this in the corners of your home to absorb any negative energy.

Buy here.

3. Yemaya Abolone Shell Smudge Tray, The Flowerchild Bruja, $11.11

abalone shell
abalone shell

For smudging during cleansing with sage, palo santo, and the like.

Buy here.

4. Small Selenite Tower, House of Intuition, $8


Allows energy to flow freely.

Buy here.

5. Crescent Moon Platter, HautePriestess, $38

moon platter
moon platter

You can use this beauty as an altar for setting intentions.

Buy here.

6. White Sage Divine Intention Spray, Amazon, $14.95

sage spray
sage spray

Clear your space of negative energy — smoke-free!

Buy here.

7. The Wild Unknown Tarot Deck and Guidebook, Amazon, $23.06

wild unknown tarot deck
wild unknown tarot deck

To sharpen your intuition when you’re having some much-needed “me time” in your sacred space.

Buy here.

8. Rebirth Magic Candle, House of Intuition, $15

rebirth candle
rebirth candle

Perfect for a new start in a new year.

Buy here.

9. Lavender Incense Sticks, Amazon, $5.87

lavender incense
lavender incense

To soothe your soul and your space.

Buy here.

10. Modern Incense Holder, Etsy, $22

incense holder
incense holder

A handmade holder for the above.

Buy here.

11. Rose + Frankincense + Lavender Ritual Salt Soak, SandalwoodnSage, $16

bath soak
bath soak

For releasing what no longer serves you.

Buy here.

12. Natural Himalayan Rock Salt Lamp Pyramid, Amazon, $16.49

salt lamp
salt lamp

Creates a calming glow ideal for meditation.

Buy here.

13. Essential Oil Diffuser, Amazon, $30.99

oil diffuser
oil diffuser

To permeate your home with the scents that make you feel the most you.

Buy here.

14. Calm Body, Calm Mind Essential Oil, Amazon, $9.99

calm essential oil
calm essential oil

Contains sweet marjoram, roman chamomile, ylang ylang, sandalwood, vanilla, and french lavender.

Buy here.

15. Palo Santo Stick, House of Intuition, $6

palo santo
palo santo

Its smoke will fill your home with peace and harmony.

Buy here.

16. 2018 Cosmic Calendar, yestermorrowshop, $18+

cosmic calendar
cosmic calendar

To help you communicate with the universe.

Buy here.

17. Peace Lily Plant, PrettyInGreenPlants, $12

peace lily
peace lily

Symbolizing rebirth and purity, the peace lily plant also purifies your home of toxins. (Note: this plant’s leaves can be poisonous to pets and children.)

Buy here.

Here’s to a better, brighter year.