These 17 Signs Were Meant To Be Innocent But Turned Out Hilariously Raunchy, And I'm Crying Thinking About These Just Being Out In The World

Ah, the sign. What a great invention. They direct us, inform us, and they'll even light up the night sky. Sometimes...the design process of the sign doesn't go well, and it can produce some pretty comedic and inappropriate content:

1.There's always time for a little "lol."

A sign that says "if you see someone drowning then call 911"
u/Someone_Suicidal / Via

2.I know the kids at school have a FIELD DAY with this.

sign for the office says ass principal
u/Bellpop / Via

3.When your dad buys a sign for his new "Truck Stop" and ends up with a sign that actually belongs in the workroom on RuPaul's Drag Race.

tuck shop
u/willster97 / Via

4....are the "disabled elderly pregnant children" in the room with us?

A sign that says "toilet only for disabled elderly pregnant children"
u/thexbeatboxer / Via

5.The fact that it took me at least five minutes and three separate analyses to even realize what this pet store sign was supposed to say.

A store sign that says "Animal And Us" but is very hard to ready because half of the letters are replaced with animals
u/Crossedkiller / Via

6.This is the kind of thing your "silly" boyfriend sends you because he wants to "get it on."

danger erection in progress sign
u/Wah_Lau_Eh / Via

7.Happy 18th Birthday Orgy — I mean Morgyn!

sign in the yard
u/_jun_yi_ / Via

8.Yeah...they really did this one.

a sign that says "drop your pants here"
u/GryphonSK / Via

9.Small towns are really a force to be reckoned with.

chew n butts discount tabacco and beer
u/Washpedantic / Via

10.Ah, yes, I wouldn't want the dog to attack the people who are eating children in the area!

A sign that says "leash your dog people are eating children in this area clean up after them thank you"
u/00BlackSheep2 / Via

11.I have several questions for whoever designed that sign on the right to indicate a water fountain.

sign could be interpreted as a crude drawing of drinking water
u/smoothloam / Via

12.This feels like the kind of nonsense the cast of Jackass would participate in.

electric magic mixer, why beat it by hand
u/GryphonSK / Via

13.My biggest fear is that this wasn't an accident.

A sign that reads, "employees must 'wash hands'"
u/steamcorners / Via

14.I heard ho made apple butter was the best kind.

A sign that reads "ho made apple butter"
u/Haidukenshiruken / Via

15.Let's discuss how next level you have to be to name something "Uranus Fudge Factory."

  StockPhotoAstur via Shuttershock
StockPhotoAstur via Shuttershock

16.There's just no way.

Bjs in your Pjs
u/Material-Practice-58 / Via

17.I'm not sure exactly what's going on in that third bathroom, but I can only assume there's not a thing in there that my innocent eyes need to see.

sign looks like the guy is holding his penis
u/psychomaniac_ / Via

H/T: r/funnysigns, r/therewasanattempt, r/funny