To Hell With Quietly Quitting — These Hilariously Dramatic People Quit In The Loudest Way Possible

You've probably heard the term quiet quitting, which is where — instead of coming right out and quitting — people just do the absolute bare minimum at work.


But I'm tired of hearing about quiet quitting, aren't you? Instead, I'd like to look at some hilariously bold people who did the opposite and quit their jobs REALLY loudly:

1. First, there's this friendly neighborhood co-worker who put on a Spider-Man costume to quit his job at a bank.

2. And this driver who parked his boss's car like THIS before saying, "I quit, you cheap bastard!"

3. This person quit their job — and made their feelings very clear — by delivering a special cookie cake.

4. While this secretary quit by delivering her boss's precious breakfast donuts like...THIS.

5. This stocker made sure to leave things upside down at the supermarket before quitting.

6. This very online person quit their job using a meme:

7. And, LOL, so did this person:

8.This person didn't a use a meme to quit, but kept things every bit as silly.

"This is a drawing of a dinosaur. It is also my 2 weeks notice"

9.This fast food worker quit their job in the most public way possible.

"Fuck this place. McDonald's is better."

10. While these fast food workers quit in an almost equally public way...just a little more politely.

The note reads: "Due to a lack of pay we all quit."

"Due to a lack of pay we all quit"

11.This person quit their job after 5+ years and then got very, VERY real on Glassdoor.

12.And this person is responsible for perhaps the most epic example of "You can't fire me because I quit!" ever.

"Sucks to be you, but I got fired today so don't expect any help"

Here's a closer look:

"Exit 329 closed. Sucks to be you, but I got fired today so don't expect any help."

13.Joe...who doesn't take crap from anyone, even his boss.

Screen shot of a note from Joe

14. And Julie...who quit her cleaning lady job by calling out the crappy manager and reminding everyone none of them are any better than the cleaner.

15. This person got a shitty text from their boss and quit right then and a boss.

16. Ditto for this person who told their abusive boss to shove it with a DGAF text.

17. And lastly, this person quit and left a note behind for all of their coworkers reminding them they're legally allowed to share their salaries with each other...and included theirs at the bottom.

"For the record — I was hired at $15/hr."

"For the record — I was hired at 15/hr"

All of these people: