17 Healthy Peanut Butter Snacks Under 250 Calories

Photos: Andrew Purcell; Carrie Purcell; Courtesy.

I love peanut butter. I mean, I really love peanut butter. The rich, earthy texture combined with the savory-sweet, versatile flavor makes for a food that nothing else even comes close to in my book. And, I know that plenty of people agree with me. My favorite kind of PB is one that's chunky and slightly salted, with some grit. (PSA: Stonewall Kitchen's chunky peanut butter is the best I've ever found, and I recommend ordering a jar immediately.) No matter your peanut butter preference, the most important thing is that you know how to use it.

Another thing you should know about me is that I'm guilty of eating heaping spoonfuls of peanut butter straight from the jar, sometimes multiple times a day. As delicious as that is, it isn't such a great habit: Peanut butter is healthy, but it's also relatively high in fat and calories. Now, calories and fat aren't inherently bad—the good fats in peanut butter have all kinds of health benefits, and calories are literally what give your body the energy to function—but too much of a good thing, well...isn't always a good thing. It's not necessary to count calories, track food, or meticulously portion out your ingredients in order to be healthy (or even to lose weight), but eating more calories than your body needs on a regular basis will probably lead to weight gain. If you're looking to gain weight, extra calories are necessary; but, if you're looking to maintain or lose weight, eating too many calories most days isn't a good thing. An easy way to keep your calorie intake in check without too much effort is by sticking to proper portion sizes, especially when it comes to calorie-dense foods like peanut butter.

Enough nutrition talk though, you're here for the snacks. One awesome way to feed your peanut butter craving without overdoing it on the stuff is by incorporating it into various healthy snacks. This way, you'll also be getting extra nutrients from whatever other healthy ingredients you're pairing with your PB. Plus, sitting down to eat a real snack is more satisfying than standing at your cabinet and spooning peanut butter straight into your mouth (most of the time, anyway). Here are 17 healthy peanut butter snacks under 250 calories that are portion-controlled but will still satisfy a craving and keep you full until your next meal. There are make-ahead freezer recipes, big-batch bars and energy balls that are perfect for meal prep, and plenty of single-serving snacks that you can whip up in minutes.

This story originally appeared on Self.

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