17 "Eyeball Porn" Photos That Will Soothe Your Soul And Satisfy Your Brain

17 "Eyeball Porn" Photos That Will Soothe Your Soul And Satisfy Your Brain

Shall we take a break from the horrors of the daily news and look at some pretty pictures? Yes. Yes, we shall. Here are 19 photos from r/oddlysatisfying that instantly soothed my aching brain:

1.This perfect handwriting:

Hand writing lyrics with a highlighter on lined notebook paper
u/Majoodeh / Via reddit.com

2.This exhaust fan sucking up smoke:

Fan blowing white smoke through a metal floor vent

3.This charcoal igniting:

Charcoal briquettes on a grill, one glowing with heat in the center surrounded by unlit ones

4.This person doing parkour through stabits:

Person jumping between concrete blocks on a coastal defense structure

5.This immaculate pebble:

Open hand holding a round pebble, with a pebbly beach background

6.This massive blockage being removed from a drain:

A person uses equipment to clean a clogged drain, water flows clearly afterward

7.The phases of this hidden door closing:

Images showing a hidden door closing

8.This soil getting plowed:

Tractor with plow attachment creating furrows in a field for planting
u/midas617 / Via reddit.com

9.This hot metal being lowered into water:

A molten metal container being submerged in water, causing steam and bubbles

10.This person sliding through a water canal in Indonesia:

Person on a waterslide viewed from a first-person perspective, descending through a tunnel

11.This vehicle laying razor wire:

Truck bed overfilled with large rolls of wire mesh, some unspooling onto street, person nearby
u/i_lov_anime / Via reddit.com

12.This person weaving lace:

Hands crafting detailed lacework with bobbins on a patterned design

13.These street oranges getting mass-collected in Spain:

Orange tree with ripe fruit, one side has a net underneath possibly for fruit collection

14.This perfect scramble:

Scrambled eggs being cooked and stirred in a pan, and the finished dish in the pan ready to serve

15.This graffiti on a train of Homer Simpson:

a mural of Homer Simpson on a train
u/knowitokay / Via reddit.com

16.This mother and child going for a swim:

Two otters floating on their backs in water, one appears to be a pup
u/knowitokay / Via reddit.com

17.And finally, this sea sponge that looks like a magic cauldron when it pumps water out:

Underwater scene showing a tube sponge expelling water in a stream