17 Delicious Ways to Eat Butternut Squash

Photos: Courtesy.

It seems like every time I walk into a grocery store from the months of September to January, I end up with a butternut squash in my cart whether it's on my list or not. While it's pretty available throughout the year, butternut squash is one of those quintessentially fall ingredients that I can't get enough of when the weather cools down. Plus, it's sweeter and much more flavorful in the fall and early winter when it's in season.

Honestly, you'd have to try pretty hard to run out of ways to use a butternut squash. From soups to warm salads to healthier versions of your favorite dishes (butternut mac and cheese, anyone?), it's one of the most versatile vegetables around. And even though it's a classic fall comfort food staple, it's nutritious, too: It's loaded with vitamin A, vitamin C, and potassium, and it's a source of healthy carbs).

As a bonus, butternut squash also keeps for a month or two when it's stored in a cool, dark pantry, so you can't go wrong having one around. Not that you'll need to store it for that long when these 17 recipes are calling your name. (Hey, this is probably why I've always got a new squash in my cart.)

This story originally appeared on Self.

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