16 Bits Of Film Trivia That Prove Sometimes Filming Horror Movies Is Scarier Than Watching Them

Any film buff who loves behind-the-scenes trivia likely knows that sometimes, making a horror movie can be scarier than the movie itself.

kj apa saying that's scary
kj apa saying that's scary

TV Guide / Via giphy.com

Unexpected things happen on — and off — film sets all the time, and when it's a scary movie, it's hard not to associate the real-life happenings with the spooky story at hand.

spongebob shaking in fear in bed
spongebob shaking in fear in bed

Nickelodeon / Via giphy.com

Here are 16 upsetting and scary behind-the-scenes facts about some of your favorite horror movies:

1.Scream (1996) was partially inspired by a documentary that screenwriter Kevin Williamson saw about the Gainsville Ripper — and his own personal creepy experience that followed.

kevin williamson sitting and smiling toward the camera

According to the Detroit Free Press, after watching the doc, Williamson found a window he was sure he'd closed open. He searched the house armed with a butcher knife while talking to a pal on the phone, their conversation eventually turning to horror movies.

Amy Sussman / Getty Images

2.Speaking of Scream, Skeet Ulrich got stabbed for real on the set of the film.

sidney in a ghostface costume stabbing billy with an umbrella in scream

3.Multiple cast and crew members of The Omen (1976) were on planes that were struck by lightning.

gregory peck in the omen

4.Tippi Hedren was terrorized by real birds while filmingThe Birds (1963).

tippi hedren running from crows in the birds

5.The bees in Candyman (1982) were real — including the ones that pour out of Tony Todd's mouth.

tony todd with bees coming out of his mouth in candyman

A dental dam was placed at the back of the actor's throat to keep the bees from crawling down it. The actor agreed to the stunt on the condition he would receive $1,000 for every bee sting he endured, which ended up being 23 when all was said and done.

Tristar Pictures / courtesy Everett Collection

6.Lupita Nyong'o stayed in character as Red between scenes when filming Us (2019), which (understandably) scared her costars.

lupita nyong'o in a red jumpsuit in us

“She really kind of spooked me out a little bit,” Shahadi Wright Joseph, who played Zora in the film, said. “She would really get into character and wouldn’t talk. It was kind of creepy.”

Universal Pictures / courtesy Everett Collection

7.Carrie (1976) star, Sissy Spacek, opted to sleep in her character's blood-soaked prom dress for the sake of continuity.

sissy spacek in a bloody prom dress in carrie

According to her costar, P.J. Soles, Spacek slept in the dress for three nights, explaining, "It’s got to match, I want it to look great!"

United Artists / courtesy Everett Collection

8.Gunnar Hansen also wore his Texas Chain Saw Massacre (1974) costume over and over without washing it.

gunnar hansen in texas chainsaw massacre

9.Mia Farrow — a vegetarian — had to not only eat raw chicken liver while filming Rosemary's Baby (1968), but also do it in multiple takes.

mia farrow in rosemary's baby

10.You're Next (2011) star Sharni Vinson almost lost an eye while filming a particularly chaotic scene.

sharni vinson covered in blood in you're next

11.Ruby Rose nearly drowned while filming The Meg (2018).

ruby rose with wet hair in the meg

Their costume, while designed to keep them warm, was also too heavy and made swimming difficult. Rose's shoes ended up filling with water, ultimately dragging them down below the surface. They said they "drank a lot of tank water" by the time safety divers pulled her back up.

Warner Bros. / courtesy Everett Collection

12.Robert Downey Jr. broke Halle Berry's arm while filming Gothika (2003).

robert downey jr and halle berry in gothika

13.The cast of The Blair Witch Project (1999) was tormented by the filmmakers.

heather donahue crying in the blair witch project

14.The skeletons used in the climax of Poltergeist (1982) were real.

jobeth williams reacting to skeletons in the pool in poltergeist

15.Meanwhile, Oliver Robins was actually strangled while filming Poltergeist.

oliver robbins being attacked by a clown doll in poltergeist

The mechanism of the clown doll malfunctioned and the actor was being choked for real, and director Tobe Hooper didn't realize until Robins' face started turning blue — he thought the kid was simply acting.


16.Both Linda Blair and Ellen Burstyn were injured on the set of The Exorcist (1973).

linda blair and ellen burstyn in the exorcist

Do you know any bizarre behind-the-scenes facts about horror movies? Sound off in the comments!