16 More Confusing Photos That Only People With A High-Functioning Visual Cortex Can Figure Out

16 More Confusing Photos That Only People With A High-Functioning Visual Cortex Can Figure Out

1.No matter how much you try to deny it, this is not a photoshopped cat head:

Close-up of a domestic cat peering over a ledge with curiosity

2.And this is not a photoshopped dog.

Dog sitting on a wooden deck, looking directly at the camera

(It is hanging out on the lower portion of the deck.)

u/4udrey / reddit.com

3.This is not something highly inappropriate.

Person's feet in a foot spa basin with running water, viewed from above

(It is feet in a spa.)

u/nagemmherb / reddit.com

4.This person didn't lose the bottom half of their body in the pool.

"No diving" sign by a pool with a person swimming in the background

(It is refraction.)

u/idcmp_ / reddit.com

5.This is not a floor.

Person's feet at the edge of a flawlessly camouflaged door on the floor, creating an optical illusion

(They are steps.)

u/TriggerHippie77 / reddit.com

6.This thing behind those trees is not a lake:

View from a car with trees and sky reflected in the side mirror, fence along roadside

(It's a fence.)

u/sean_t17 / reddit.com

7.This is not a really weird, long-necked cat with no head.

A fluffy cat with its back to the camera sits atop a countertop, its plume-like tail prominently displayed

(It is the back-side of a cat with its tail up.)

u/polishkgb1 / reddit.com

8.And this dog was thankfully not chopped in half:

Dog lying on the ground near a fallen tree branch and a rustic wooden structure in the background

9.No, this dog does not have human teeth or dentures:

Spaniel puppy with a heart-shaped marking on nose

(It has a bone in its mouth.)

u/juliarenee99 / reddit.com

10.This is not lime green cement:

Moated brick building with adjacent greenery and a single red flower in the foreground

(It is algae.)

u/Mww14 / reddit.com

11.This is a real-life giraffe — no, it is not photoshopped:

Young giraffe in a natural habitat looking towards the camera

12.These are not miniature men:

Person beside a large boulder to show scale, located in a rocky terrain

(It is just a GIANT rock.)

anonymous / reddit.com

13.These are not conjoined dogs:

Two greyhounds resting together on a couch, one's head on the other's back

(The right dog's neck is over the top of the left one's.)

u/nevetsprog / reddit.com

14.And these are not conjoined cats:

Two cats lounging, one lying atop a covered basket and the other resting its head on the first cat

(The front cat's tail is draped over the head of the one in the back.)

u/interstitialmusic / reddit.com

15.This mug is not full to the brim:

Mug with various last names printed on it, resting on a counter

16.This cow does indeed have a head:

A cow grazing in a forested area with other animals in the background

17.And, finally, this person does not have zebra legs.

Woman in blue coat riding a zebra-striped horse

(They are sitting on a statue.)

u/EndersGame_Reviewer / reddit.com

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