16 Things That Claim Not To Be Haunted But Will Make You Say, "No, That's Definitely Haunted"

1. Like this old piano that has very suspicious details:

2.And this one too:

3.This house that literally needs a sign to let you know the "truth":

4.As well as this apartment...

5....this farm...

6. ...and this fixer-upper:

7.This FORMER HOSPITAL ain't haunted:

8.Nor is this home that's across from a graveyard:

9.This apartment has zero ghosts living in the attic:

10.Samesies with this one:

11.This hotel room is for the living only:

12.This doll that is in no way haunted:

13.Neither is this old-timey game...thing:

14.Or this chair:

15.This handmade Ouija board that...yeah, no:

16. And finally, this locker is "totally not haunted":