16 Smart Luggage Options That Will Transform Your Travel Experience

Whether your next trip is to discover a country you've never been to, or simply to spend a few days unwinding on a gorgeous beach, there is something to be said about the thrill of packing your bags and heading to a far off destination.

Unfortunately, before your plane touches down, you'll probably spend a few hours—sometimes days—getting there. And this is when things can get a bit annoying.

Maybe you arrive to the airport and it turns out your carry-on weighs more than your airline allows, or your flight is delayed and your phone/laptop/iPad runs out of battery—and all the outlets at the gate are taken by other passengers. Or you miss your connecting flight and can't stop thinking about whether or not your bag made it to your new aircraft.

This is where “smart luggage” comes in: Thanks to technology, you no longer have to endure even a second of luggage-related anxiety during any part of your trip. With built-in features like GPS locators, weight scales that prevent over-packing, USB ports to charge your devices, solar-powered batteries, and remote lock systems, smart luggage is a game-changer in the travel industry.

And you don’t have to sacrifice the look of your suitcase for its efficiency. Sleek design and durable materials make these backpacks and suitcases your stylish companion guaranteed to last for years to come.

Scroll down to see smart luggage that will make your next trip so much easier.