16 "Nice Guys" Who Flipped A Switch And Showed Their True Colors

1. Here's someone claiming to be a "nice guy" in his first message and calling someone a rude name in his second message.

2. Here's a guy who actually got a welcoming response and screwed it up with a really weird rebuttal that a nice person definitely wouldn't say.

3.Here's a truly gross individual pretending to care about the wife of his coworker who died a month earlier, not taking long to reveal his ulterior motives.

Someone tries to hit on the spouse of his former co-worker, who passed away
11_11_2021 / Via reddit.com

4. Here's someone who can't take a hint and, based on every word of their last message, should be blocked and perhaps even reported to authorities.

5.Here's a guy who went on this rant because someone checked their Plenty of Fish account BEFORE texting him back. Oh, and they had only began chatting 24 HOURS earlier.

A guy throws a tantrum because someone checked the dating app before responding to him over text
Ohheylookitsash / Via reddit.com

6.Here's someone who was given a phone number out of politeness, failed to take obvious hints (a lack of replies and slow response times), then couldn't just respect that someone might be too busy, or flat-out not interested.

Someone gets angry after the person he's texting says they're not available, and not interested
czareena / Via reddit.com

7.Here's a guy who thinks complimenting a mutual friend entitles him to some of her time.

Someone gets mad that a friend of a friend won't hang out with them after they gave her a compliment
atmosXII / Via reddit.com

8. Here's someone who got snappy after a date broke things off, and tried to return to friendly form eight years later with a casual "How's it going?"

9. Here's someone's story of an encounter they had with a "decent guy."

10. Here's someone who is "trying to have a conversation," but also insisting on sending pictures of private parts, and also claiming he's a "nice guy" — all within a span of six messages.

11. Here's a dude who called someone "bitch" and implied he's a "good guy" in consecutive sentences. (He also ended the conversation with an absolutely egregious typo.)

12.Here's a guy who went from a "lucky lad" sending compliments and emojis to explicit name-calling when he didn't get a response.

Someone writes a long, friendly, cringey message, then quickly resorts to name calling when he doesn't get a response
aisodoehtraed / Via reddit.com

13. Here's a self-proclaimed "nice guy" who is upset that his offer to send nudes was declined.

14.Here's a dirtbag who refers to himself as a "gentleman" while saying a bunch of really awful stuff because someone isn't interested.

A rude individual goes on an explicit rant after someone says they're not interested
PageAccomplished8438 / Via reddit.com

15. Here's a dude pretending to care about someone losing their grandma, then immediately asking about nudes.

16. And finally, here's a self-crowned "nice guy" who should definitely, in all seriousness, have a restraining order against him.

H/T r/niceguys