16 Mexican Fast-Food Items I'm Soooo Jealous We Don't Have In The US

1.McMolletes at McDonald's


For a quick breakfast, you can grab some McMolletes — English muffins topped with refried beans, cheese, and salsa. They're sold on their own or in a combo meal with eggs and a sausage patty.

2.McMuffin a la Mexicana at McDonald's

McMuffin a la Mexicana

This breakfast sandwich is made up of an onion and pepper omelet, cheese, bacon, and refried beans, served on a toasted English muffin. It's basically your classic bacon, egg, and cheese McMuffin but with loads more flavor.

3.Croissan’wich Chilorio at Burger King

Croissan’wich Chilorio

Over at Burger King, however, they offer this breakfast sandwich, which is made up of Chilorio — shredded pork friend in a chili sauce — with cheese and refried beans and served on a croissant bun.

4.Omelette de Mole from IHOP

Omelette de Mole

Another item off IHOP's "inspired by Mexico," menu, this omelet is filled with shredded chicken and onions, then topped with a mole sauce, sour cream, and toasted sesame seeds.

5.Desayuno Clásico Mexicano at IHOP

Desayuno Clásico Mexicano

This is IHOP's take on a classic Mexican breakfast: two fried eggs, a side of chilaquiles verdes, two slices of grilled cheese, and chorizo.

6.Envuelto Poblano at Starbucks

This bread-like pastry is filled with a mix of cream cheese, poblano peppers, onion, corn, chicken, and Parmesan cheese. IDK about you, but that sounds like a delicious on-the-go lunch to me.

7.McPatatas at McDonald's


Steak-fry and seasoned-fry fans, this one is for you! The McPatatas are fried, seasoned potato wedges, served with McQueso cheese sauce on the side for dipping.

8.Papas Tasty at McDonald's

Papas Tasty

These are a little closer to the McDonald's fries you probably know and love, but covered in their new "tasty" sauce and bits of bacon.

9.Pastor Pizza at Pizza Hut

Pastor Pizza

If you're a fan of an al pastor taco, this pizza will definitely leave your mouth watering. The classic tomato sauce and cheese pizza base is topped with pork, onions, and chunks of pineapple.

10.Nueva Pizza Tlayuda at Pizza Hut

Nueva Pizza Tlayuda
Pizza Hut Mexico / Via buzzfeed.com

While it no longer seems to be on the menu, Pizza Hut used to offer this pizza, made with a refried bean base and topped with chorizo and red onion.

11.Pay de Queso from McDonald's

Pay de Queso

Imagine the gooey, sweet McDonald's apple pie you know and love...except filled with warm, creamy cheese. Sounds delicious, right?

12.Dulce de Leche pie at Burger King

Dulce de Leche pie

Similarly, Burger King Mexico offers a fried pie filled with dulce de leche, or caramelized milk, as a dessert option.

13.Rosca de Reyes at Starbucks

Rosca de Reyes

This sweet bread covered in sugar, cocoa, and fig, with a small plastic toy inside, which is supposed to represent baby Jesus. It's their take on the traditional Mexican treat of the same name, usually enjoyed around Three Kings Day, or Epiphany. You're likely to see it at a Starbucks store in Mexico in late December and early January.

14.Yogurt Frappuccinos at Starbucks

Yogurt Frappuccinos

These Frappuccinos combine yogurt, with fruit sauce and ice for a refreshing but filling drink. They're available in a pineapple coconut flavor as well as berry.

15.Ponche Navideño

Ponche Navideño

Inspired by traditional Mexican Christmas punch tea, this warm and cozy hibiscus tea is flavored with apple, guava, cinnamon, and brown sugar.

16.And finally, Chocolate Mexicano Helado at Starbucks

Chocolate Mexicano Helado

This blended Frappuccino is made up of chocolate, nuts, and dried fruit and spices, blended together with milk and ice. It's similar to the creme-based Frappuccinos in the US, as it also has no coffee.

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Charlotte Gomez / BuzzFeed