People Are Revealing How To Live Your Best Life After A Devastating Breakup, And Some Of These Are Unbelievably Clever

Reddit user u/No_Throat_1574 recently asked, "What’s the best way to get over an ex?" and people had A LOT to say.

Ariana Madix crying and wiping her eyes as Andy Cohen looks on
©Bravo / Courtesy Everett Collection

Here are the best replies:

1."Do anything except a rebound relationship. It's not fair to drag someone else's emotions into your own emotional mess."

A woman embracing a man

2."Let go of everything you were looking forward to. Everything you wanted to do — you no longer want to do those things. It’s hard, but you’ve got to reformulate your life without them. They’re not coming back."


3."When my wife left me, I immediately started a woodworking project. I had to stop and cry every hour or so, but at least I kept my mind occupied."


4."I know it sounds very cliché, but just go on about your day — and for the love of every single god, do not stalk their social media! It'll only make things harder for you. Also, start doing something you used to do before your relationship but stopped because you didn't have the time anymore."

A thumb tack in a calendar

5."What helped me the most was writing her a long email about all her faults and shitty behavior. If you do this, don't hold anything back. Most importantly, do NOT send the email. It's therapy for you, not for them."


6."When you catch yourself starting an imaginary conversation with your ex or ruminating, acknowledge it and return to the present. Practicing meditation will help you do this more effectively."


7."Really understand your loss and why you might think you lost more than you really did. If the relationship ended because they didn't love you or loved you less than you loved them, understand that you only lost someone who didn't love you — so in reality, you didn't lose anything of real worth. You'd never be happy long term in a relationship where they didn't truly love you back."

A man crying and looking at a ripped up picture of their ex

8."I found the best way to get over an ex was to date myself. It sounds sooooo cheesy, but I spent time discovering this new, single me. I spent time with my family and friends, volunteered, explored my hobbies, and took on a few more shifts at work. It helped me a lot!"


"Treating yourself the way you wish someone would treat you is amazing. Taking yourself to see shows, walks in the rain to get coffee, sunsets. ... It helps you figure out exactly what you want for yourself, and the longer you do it, the more strict you are in knowing what qualities you want in a future partner."


9."Try to do things that make you feel better about yourself, like exercising, trying out a new outfit/hairdo, etc."


10."When I was a teenager, I gathered up all the notes and garbage she gave me, stole a lighter from my parents, and set everything on fire in the dirt right off the train tracks."

A hand reaching out for a paper on fire

11."Putting yourself in a new environment could work. I had to move to a different city after a relationship ended, and my ex pretty quickly left my brain. And if you can’t leave or don’t want to, try new things. Build a whole new exciting world without that person!"


12."Keep yourself and your house clean."


13."If you have abandonment issues or fear of being alone, remember they try to trick you into believing being with someone who isn't right for you is better than being alone. But that just isn’t true."

A woman looking sad, with her head and arms on the edge of her bed

14."When you break up with someone, your brain is in withdrawal from being deprived of all the feel-good chemicals of being in a relationship. So, always have something planned to look forward to in the days and weeks to come."


15."Going to a few therapy sessions will help you work through your feelings with someone who’s there to give you their full attention for an hour."


16."Just remember: You had a life before them, and you WILL have a life after them. They were simply a small character in your grand story."

A young woman smiling in a blue shirt and jacket, with a blue background behind her

H/T r/AskReddit

Some responses have been edited for length and clarity.

What's the best way you've ever gotten over a relationship? Drop your knowledge in the comments! 💔