16 Highly Disturbing Photos That Will Leave You Messed Up For A Long While

1.This instrument made out of cat skin (and nipples):

A string instrument with a white covering with tiny holes

2.This toothbrush that looks as if it's been doubling as a toilet cleaner:

A dirty, frayed electric toothbrush

3.This unknown "thing" that a woman found on her living room floor:

An embryonic-looking thing

4.This person's amputated fingertip that has "razor sharp" pieces of nail growing out of it:

Close-up of a fingertip with tiny shards on top

5.This warning sign that looks as if it belongs in a zombie movie:

Warning: Public safety notice: If you discover a dead body, do not attempt to give medical assistance, do not approach within 5 meters, report incident immediately

6.This mysterious blood spatter on the side of someone's car:

Blood splatter on a white car, including side-view mirror

7.This wigged dog:

A short-haired dog with long hair on its head

8.This tapeworm shot:

1 oz vodka, 1 oz mayonnaise, dashes Tabasco, and black pepper: Looks like tapeworms in a shot glass

9.This tiger's shoulder muscles:

Tiger lying on its stomach at a zoo with very thick shoulder muscles

10.This cheap Pennywise costume:

A bodysuit with striped bottoms and a fiery-looking hairpiece with a weird human/dog-looking face

11.These sculptures that look like alien testicles:

Stretched-out sculptures hanging from the ceiling with large descending balls, some with nipples, at the bottom

12.This Google security photo that appears to show a person in a cage?!:

A person riding a motorcycle with someone in a cage attached to it

13.This birthday cake that someone's girlfriend made them:

A misshapen, badly frosted cake with a scary face with marshmallow teeth jutting out of one side, and large wafer sticks on top of the cake

14.This bizarre towel display in a hotel room:

Towels loosely tied together in the shape of a person and hanging by the arms from a hanger attached to a ceiling light on the side of the bed, and more towels in the shape of an animal on the bed

15.This "mostly resolved" problem:

Door sign saying "The spider infestation problem is mostly resolved"

16.And finally, these "realistic" Beavis and Butt-Head busts:

Beavis and Butt-Head busts with AC/DC and Metallica T-shirts

H/T: r/oddlyterrifying.