Women Are Sharing The Worst "Nice Guys" They've Ever Encountered, And I've Never Seen So Much Human Trash In One Place

Warning: This post contains violent, misogynistic language that, unfortunately, many women deal with on a regular basis. Read at your own discretion.

1. This Nice Guy who thought he deserved a date simply because he bought a textbook:

2. This Nice Guy who threatened violence the second he didn't get what he wanted:

3. This Nice Guy who REALLY failed to see the flaw in his own logic:

4. This Nice Guy who threw a hissy fit because him being a stranger with a "mutual friend" didn't seal the deal:

  u/atmosXII / Via reddit.com
u/atmosXII / Via reddit.com
  u/atmosXII / Via reddit.com
u/atmosXII / Via reddit.com

5. This Nice Guy who harassed a sex worker for doing her job:

6. This Nice Guy who actually suggested that a woman cheat on her husband with him:

7. This Nice Guy who tried (and failed) to give a lesson on politeness:

8. This Nice Guy who actually insulted someone's mental health and then said "you're welcome":

9. This Nice Guy got confused when a woman didn't like him quizzing her on her interests:

10. This Nice Guy who just...kept...going:

11. This Nice Guy who should never message a woman again (if he doesn't mind):

12. This Nice Guy who popped up after five years just to remind us how horrid he is:

13. This Nice Guy who threatened to find someone's address because they wouldn't blow him:

  u/Different_Shoulder74 / Via reddit.com
u/Different_Shoulder74 / Via reddit.com

14. This Nice Guy who went from "let's get married" to a total tool:

15. This Nice Guy who really brought astrology into this:

16. And finally, this Nice Guy who should be reported to the authorities:

In conclusion:

Jk, don't ever be like this.
