16 Photos Of Nightmare-Inducing Sea Creatures That Had My Editor Saying, "Audrey, I Hate This Post So Much"

1.Last week, a new species was discovered. This is a strawberry feather star. It's about eight inches long, lives in Antarctica, and has 20 tentacles. It's spooky!!

looks like a mix of a jelly fish and an octopus
Greg Rouse

And if you're wondering why it's called a "strawberry feather star" and not a "slithery slippy sea weirdo," it's because of the base of the tentacles which is shaped like a strawberry. Now, I'm always hyped when new species are discovered because hey, the Earth is amazing.

Greg Rouse

But I think there is a line between "useful tendrils" and "creepy crawlies" so here, in my very astute biological opinion, have too many freakin' arms (strawberry feather star included):

2.The bigfin squid is on this list with tentacles that are 20 feet long. It can be found a few miles under the ocean, a place you will never ever find me.

the squid in the after with a top that looks like a tulip

3.The tripod fish only has two extra "arms" which is two too many for a fish. Its rays at the top act as antennae and the fins at the bottom act as a placeholder. I don't like them.

  oceancontent / Via youtube.com

4.Here's another star for you, a sunflower star, which, doesn't look as creepy as the strawberry feather star until you turn it over and realize it has 15,000 tube feet and, if its arm separates, the sea star can regrow it...and the arm can regrow a sea star, too.

large star-fish looking species

5.The Portuguese man o' war's tentacles can extend up to 100 feet, making me retreat further inland. These preposterously long tentacles are also venomous.

seen at the surface and the tentacles reaching far under water

6.This supergiant amphipod, which is found in the deep sea. Amphipods have between four and six pairs of legs, but I'm not a fan of how leggy their tail-end looks, too.

very white, curled amphipod

7.This sea spider which is bigger than a dinner plate and breathes out of its legs.

large skinny-legged spider

8.This radiolarian minesweeper protist that has one cell and yet, seven legs.

the spherical protist in the water with legs coming out all around

9.That little protist was your cute break. Back to your regularly scheduled terror. Here's a giant phantom jelly with 33-foot arms looking like an ocean version of the grim reaper.

the tentacles looks like long flowy ribbons

10.Here's another heaping helping of hell no, the giant isopod with 14 LEGS. We're outmatched 7:1. The Monterey Bay Aquarium apparently has a touch tank for them so maybe they're sweeter than they look. I'm not willing to give them a chance, but I can appreciate them for winning over human hearts and their impressive Salvador Dalí mustache.

large with clawed legs

11.These deep-sea basket stars who saw A Nightmare Before Christmas and said, "What if I could have legs that look like trees in Halloweentown?" Each of its arms are covered in tiny hooks and sticky mucus to catch prey.

the legs are long and look like thin twisting branches

12.This chambered nautilus which I can respect for being around for 150 million years, but I feel like it has an unfair advantage with 90 TENTACLES.

the legs coming out from the bottom of a shell encasing

13.On land, there are plenty of appendages to worry about. Coconut crabs, which I feel like have the evolutionary ability to kick our butts with those gigantic limbs. Here's a whole video instead of a photo so you can see A). how fast they move and B.) the sound their big ol' crab legs make.

14.The English sundew, a carnivorous plant with sticky tentacle leaves that trap bugs.

closeup of the sticky tentacles
National Geographic

15.This hickory horned devil caterpillar, which, despite being beautiful AND harmless, can grow up to a foot long, which is, IMO, too big for something with 16 legs.

large caterpillar on a hand that looks like it has a small dragon face and a horned body

16.Finally, this new species of millipede, which is the first species discovered who lives up to the name with over 1,300 legs. It lives 200 feet underground which is making me wonder what else is under there.