150 ‘Wondrous’ Aesthetic Words To Elevate Your Conversations

To gain a better understanding of the philosophical ideals of aesthetics, and their influence on the arts, one should go back at least to Ancient Greece. There is evidence of philosophers turning their attention to the impact of things like poetry, painting, music and overall beauty on one's everyday life. Their work would go on to profoundly influence future philosophical movements. And we've got a list of 150 beautiful aesthetic words that will surely influence your own everyday life.

In the eighteenth-century Age of Enlightenment, Western philosophers, and artists further explored this concept of beauty. This quote from philosopher David Hume speaks well to the thoughts of the time: "Beauty is no quality in things themselves: It exists merely in the mind which contemplates them; and each mind perceives a different beauty. One person may even perceive deformity, where another is sensible of beauty; and every individual ought to acquiesce in his own sentiment, without pretending to regulate those of others."

What does this mean for us today? The English language has gifted us with words to describe the beauty we experience, and how it affects our senses or our emotions. That's aesthetic (sometimes esthetic). You might find a word aesthetically pleasing just because you like the way it sounds as it slips off your tongue.

Aesthetic, or esthetic, is considering how someone or something looks or feels, and verifying that, yes, it is indeed lovely and pleasing. Here is our list of 150 aesthetic words, and a short definition of what they mean. Some are great for everyday life, and some are especially fancy. Try pronouncing them out loud, as they're often fun to say and hear. Maybe you can add a few new words to your vocabulary bank. These aesthetic words may not be the ones you'd choose, because as a quote commonly attributed to Plato assures us, "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder."

150 Best Aesthetic Words and Their Meanings



1. Alluring: Irresistible; very attractive

2. Beatify: Blissful; make happy

3. Benevolence: Given generously, a kindness

4. Calm: Undisturbed; still

5. Debonair: Attractive and confident

6. Elation: A state of great joy and happiness

7. Infatuation: A strong passion or attraction to someone or something

8. Harmony: A consistent and pleasing coming together of various parts

9. Idyllic: Picturesque; charming

10. Jovial: Cheerful; a sunny disposition

11. Leisure: Free time; relaxed and at ease

12. Merrymaking: Participating in a festivity

13. Nurture: Care for; invest in the development of something

14. Passion: Overwhelmed with emotion

15. Quaint: Charming; often old-fashioned vibes

16. Relish: Enjoyable; pleasing

17. Savor: Enjoy something slowly and intentionally

18. Sumptuous: Lavish; magnificent; luxurious

19. Tranquility: Experiencing peace and calm

20. Wondrous: Remarkable; amazing

Soft Aesthetic Words and Their Meanings



21. Angelic: Resembling an angel—heaven-sent, sweet

22. Dainty: Charming and delicate

23. Effeminate: Soft; having feminine qualities

24. Erstwhile: Formerly; in the past

25. Fanciful: Whimsical and imaginative

26. Hopeful: Full of hope; expectant

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27. Labyrinth: A maze of sorts

28. Nostalgia: A fond remembrance of the past

29. Rosy: Healthy or promising

30. Sweet: Gives pleasure; pleasant

31. Vista: Think broadly, visionary

32. Aurora: A light display in the sky

Aesthetic Words Related to Physical Appearance

33. Immaculate: Perfectly neat and clean

34. Attractive: Pleasing in some way

35. Celestial: Heavenly; causing great pleasure

36. Buoyant: Cheerful

37. Fetching: An attractive person

38. Handsome: Nice to look at; often with dominant features

39. Lovely: Beautiful, pleasing (for Eliza Doolittle: loverly)

40. Pleasing: Pleasureful; gratifying

41. Vision: Impressive; striking

42. Winsome: A charmer

Aesthetic Words Related to Cooking



43. Appetizing: Looks and smells good

44. Aromatic: Gives off a pleasant smell

45. Delectable: Tastes wonderful

46. Delicacy: A rare dining treat

47. Delicious: A pleasing taste

48. Flavorful: Strong taste that's good

49. Luscious: Juicy and full of flavor

50. Mouth-watering: Extra delicious smelling or tasting

51. Scrumptious: Very good

52. Ambrosial: Something pleasing to taste or smell

Aesthetic Words Related to Fashion

53. Cashmere: A fine, soft wool made from goat hair

54. Classy: Stylish; sophisticated

55. Dapper: Well-put-together, stylish

56. Dazzling: Beautiful, catches one's eye

57. Effortless: Seemingly natural with little or no amount of work

58. Glimmering: Shine and shimmer in a noticeable way

59. Minimalist: Simple and effective

60. Polished: Presentable in a way that's memorable

61. Pretty: Nice to look at

62. Ostentatious: Showy

63. Sharp: Fashionable; trendy

64. Snazzy: Noticeably stylish; sharp

Aesthetic Words Related to Art



65. Avant-garde: New, modern ideas

66. Expressive: Captures feelings or ideas well

67. Harmonious: Put together in a way that fits

68. Lifelike: Make something inanimate look alive

69. Masterful: Demonstrating great skill

70. Multidimensional: Layers of features in one piece

71. Eclectic: Inspired by a variety of sources

72. Stirring: Moving; causing emotion

73. Visionary: Ability to show futuristic thinking

Aesthetic Words Related to Music

74. Breath-taking: Awesome; full of inspiration

75. Expressive: Powerful communication of feelings or ideas

76. Melodic: Beautiful tone

77. Mellifluous: Smooth and extremely pleasant

78. Rhythmic: Finding motion in the pattern of notes or lyrics

79. Show-Stopping: A most impressive performance

80. Sonorous: Deep and resonant

81. Synchronization: Bring together at the same time

82. Toe-tapping: Good, solid, moving beat

Literary Aesthetic Words

83. Cathartic: An emotional experience that releases built-up tension

84. Contemplative: Pensive; meditative

85. Euphoria: Feelings of elation; great joy

86. Gripping: Unable to break free; captive

87. Ineffable: Beyond words

88. Mesmerizing: Captivating; hold one's attention

89. Moving: Stirring up of emotions 

90. Page-turner: Something you can't put down

91. Spellbound: Unable to get your mind off something

92. Transcendent: Go beyond the limits of what is known or expected

Aesthetic Words Related to Poetry



93. Euphoric: Intense happiness; well-being

94. Exquisite: Great beauty or pleasure

95. Illuminating: Cause one to understand

96. Lyrical: Express something in a pleasant, often rhythmic way

97. Metaphorical: Using words to describe something in a symbolic way

98. Poignant: Arousing great feeling; often sorrow or regret

99. Sensual: An irresistible appeal to the senses

100. Spirited: Animated; come to life

101. Sublime: Supreme; unsurpassable

102. Assonance: Poetic device involving the repetition of vowel sounds

Aesthetic Qualities in a Person

103. Eudaemonia: In good spirits

104. Enchanting: Charming; likable

105. Gentle: Kind and controlled

106. Incandescent: Excited; expressive

107. Irenic: Promoter of peace; pacifist

108. Knockout: Attractive

107. Mudita: Delighting in someone else's well-being (a Buddhist term)

109. Pippin: Admirable

110. Relaxed: Appearing calm and restful

111. Resplendent: Fancy; expensive-looking

112. Sanguine: Optimistic; hopeful

113. Stunning: Wonderful; impressive

114. Virtuous: A person with integrity

Vintage Aesthetic Words



115. Bucolic: Indicating something is rural or pastoral

116. Chuckaboo: A BFF (best friend forever)

117. Darb: An excellent thing; "a real peach"

118. Ephemeral: Short lifespan

119. Felicity: Blissful; very happy

120. Gigglemug: Happy; a constantly smiling face

121. Meraki: A thing with soul; passionate

122. Panacea: The cure-all for everything

123. Petrichor: The scent of rain after a dry season

124. Raconteur: A good storyteller

125. Rassasy: Satisfy someone with a great meal

126. Seatherny: "The serenity one feels when listening to the chirping of birds"

127. Serendipity: The good fortune of having good, but unexpected, things happen

128. Wanderlust: Irresistible urge to travel

129. Wistful: Yearning; longing

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130. Woebegone: Downtrodden; sad

131. Zephyr: A gentle breeze; especially a western wind

Aesthetic Words Related to the Home

132. Comfy: Gives off a welcoming feeling

133. Cozy: Quaint and snug; make one feel at ease

134. Familiar: Something well-known to an individual

135. Hiraeth: (an untranslatable Welsh word) Indicates a deep longing for place; homesick; nostalgic

136. Serenity: Clear; calm; at peace

137. Snuggery: Cozy spot where one feels comfortable

138. Warm: A space that's inviting.

139. Welcoming: Hospitable; makes one feel at "home"

Aesthetic Words Related to Emotion

140. Blissful: Giddy; extremely happy

142. Blossoming: Coming into one's own; growing in confidence

143. Compassionate: Caring for others and not just yourself; expressing concern

144. Effervescent: Full of energy; sparkling

145. Elated: Extremely happy; full of joy

146. Jubilant: Triumphant and joyful about it

147. Sentiment: A view or opinion

148. Reverie: Caught up in a daydream

149. Soulful: Highly emotional; feel deeply

150. Zestful: Full of love for life; enjoying

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