People Are Sharing Unpopular Things That Actually Should Be More Well-Liked

Reddit user u/ClarkleTheDragon came to AskReddit to ask "What is something that everyone loves to shit on, but actually isn't that bad?" And people finally got to share their opinions.

1."People shit on chain bookstores, but when your town doesn't have any indie shops, Barnes & Noble is vital."


I'm literally writing this article, like, 20 minutes after I got back from Barnes and Noble.

Screenshot from "Beauty and the Beast"
Screenshot from "Beauty and the Beast"

Walt Disney Pictures / Via Giphy /

2."Anything teenage girls like."


Oh, I could go on and on.

3.A few people had some great examples for that one...

"Taylor Swift, TikTok, Wednesday."


"Pop music. There is a lot of good pop music out there that is considered 'for teenage girls only' but is really good."


"Interestingly enough, everyone who looks down at teenage girls' music tastes forgets that they were the ones who discovered and brought about the Beatles’ initial raging success. And Elvis."


Taylor Swift on the phone
Taylor Swift on the phone

Taylor Swift/Big Machine Records / Via Giphy /

4."Guy Fieri."


"He loves food and gives so much to charity. Let him have his stupid hair and live his life."


"He makes free food for people in need, in disasters, basically anyone in crisis. He basically gives some of the lowest budget establishments in our country free advertising, officiates gay weddings, and he raised $20 million to help restaurant workers during the pandemic."


5."Pop music. Like in general."


As a former aforementioned teenage girl, I agree. And you have to agree, too; I've seen you singing along in the car when you think it's just you and the red light.

6."GMOs (In principle)."

"When you can solve global food issues by making crops more pest resistant or drought resistant, you should. Demanding non-GMO everything is a first-world problem."


Three cows look into the camera
Laurent Renault / Getty Images/EyeEm



Yeah, I am guilty of playing "Beverly Hills" every single time I drive into Beverly Hills. Sorry! Weezer is for fun people. 😎

8."The [Star Wars] prequel trilogy."


These are getting less and less defendable... but I am going to stand my (high) ground. The prequels have merit. I swear!

Anakin Skywalker saying "You're shorter than I expected"
Anakin Skywalker saying "You're shorter than I expected"

Lucasfilm / Via Giphy /

9."And the sequel trilogy."


Hm... I am so sorry u/f0gax, but we really do have to draw the line somewhere.

Padme Amidala saying "What?"
Padme Amidala saying "What?"

Lucasfilm / Via Giphy /

10."Adam Sandler films."


I have a friend who has every Adam Sandler movie basically memorized. If you say a random line from any Adam Sandler movie, this guy will be able to tell you which one it is. Or, you'll be telling a story and he'll say something like, 'Oh! This is just like in Happy Gilmore when-' No. It is not like in Happy Gilmore. But I still love that movie.

11."Beets! I think beets are delicious."


I just like how unbothered this person sounds. And you know what, u/tuxcdorex? I agree! Beets are great!

12."Vanilla ice cream."

"It's an extremely complex flavor, and there’s a reason it’s used as a base for so many ice creams."


A big scoop of vanilla over warm cherry pie...? 😈

Dale Cooper from TV show Twin Peaks is served a slice of pie with ice cream
Dale Cooper from TV show Twin Peaks is served a slice of pie with ice cream

ABC / Via Giphy /

13."Nickelback, Justin Bieber, metal, country."


I want to see this guy's Spotify wrapped.

Mason Ramsey spins around and does finger guns while wearing a cowboy hat
Mason Ramsey spins around and does finger guns while wearing a cowboy hat

Mason Ramsey / Via Giphy /

14."Pineapple on pizza."


"Fresh pineapples, the little pepperonis that curl and crisp up in the oven, fresh jalapeño, small crunchy bacon bits. Sweet, salty, spicy, smokey."


I honestly was going to leave this one out because I thought it might be TOO contentious (and predictable?), but it was said by, like, 50 people. So, in the interest of democracy, I am including it (and also, I agree).



Something about the mysterious almost-ellipsis and the lack of further elaboration really has me intrigued here. What lovely memory of fruitcake was running through u/Majestic-Result7072's mind when they typed and posted this? And what vitriol might they have faced in the past for sharing this brave opinion?

Please note that some comments have been edited for length and clarity.

If you have something that TBH, you like, but for some reason other people hate, let us know in the comments. Because you're probably right, and we all want to know.