15 Of The Dumbest, Most Thoughtless, Or Rudest Things Boyfriends And Girlfriends Did In 2022

1.This girlfriend who gave her partner a haircut:

A man with a bad haircut

2.This boyfriend who had awful photo-cropping skills:

A lake

3.This girlfriend who dumped a guy because he gifted her cookies:

A woman saying she dumped someone for giving her cookies

4.This boyfriend who cleaned the dishes and left the kitchen like this:

A dirty kitchen

5.This boyfriend who threw out his trash at the home he shared with his partner like this:

A bunch of bottles thrown on the ground

6.This girlfriend who put a jar of Nutella in the microwave:

A burnt jar

7.This boyfriend who smokes in the bathroom so often, he leaves the toilet paper covered in ash:

Dirty toilet paper

8.This boyfriend who broke their partner's stovetop with a cast-iron pan:

A broken stove

9.This sleepy boyfriend who almost burned the house down:

Charred food

10.This girlfriend who refused to use a cutting board and left her boyfriend's kitchen counter looking like this:

Knife marks on a countertop

11.This girlfriend who puts broken eggs back in the carton:

Broken eggs in a carton

12.This boyfriend who left the toilet paper like this, which his partner discovered after they used the toilet and needed it most:

An empty toilet paper roll

13.This boyfriend who made things harder than they had to be:

A towel hanging by its tag

14.This boyfriend who got his partner a treat...sort of:

A single piece of candy

15.And this girlfriend who was dumped and cleaned out her partner's bank accounts:

Negative balances