The Scary Truth About Pineapple, And 14 Other Things That'll Screw With Your Head

1. The fact that humans were able to invent planes and rockets within a 66-year time span:

2. This eerie aerial view of the worst traffic ever:

3. The speed at which cats go from kitten to full grown:

4. The realization that pineapples are eating us, too:

5. Thinking about how many lives are jam-packed into this one building:

6. The speed at which a lush landscape can turn into a desert:

7. This photo of a deer in the winter that gives the illusion that it has no body:

8. The sheer number of humans at this music festival in the middle of a pandemic:

9. The way that emu eggs look as if they're from another planet:

10. How big André the Giant really was:

11. Same with this crocodile that's the length of three adult men:

12. The fact that these things can be moved with a helicopter:

13. This tree that's bigger than a New York City apartment building:

14. The way a sunset can look like the end of the world:

15. And finally, the fact that dragons actually exist:

H/T: r/ThatsInsane.